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Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/25/2011 9:23:39 PM)


The ultimate tabletop card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/11/2013 4:39:34 AM)


Unless you have a REALLY good poker face, doesn't work if you don't have a hand.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (2/16/2013 10:23:36 AM)


Opposite of cathode01; I have a terrible poker face. I try to design/play my control decks in such a way that it's lose-lose for an opponent almost no matter what they do; making magic attractive because my social impulse to smirk when your doom is at hand is too much to contain.

Because of that; I can never probably use this card. I'd laugh, smirk, or give other tells.

I like having cards like this in the game; so it has more options; without people like me being terrible at the game because I can't hold it in.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/26/2013 10:15:00 AM)


As the murderous kitten pointed out, This is much more than a chancey semi expensive draw engine.

You use it to play mind games with people about the state of the game, which can have far reaching consequences way beyond card advantage, if you're clever about it. It's a psychology card, not a draw card.
Posted By: Crimeo (11/5/2013 10:26:25 PM)


This reminds me of something: If you hold a weighted string in your hand and you concentrate on the word "no", the string will spin in a circle, and if you concentrate on the word "yes", it will move in a line(or maybe it's the other way around). I've tried it, and it works.
Posted By: BagOfBags (1/1/2014 3:08:37 PM)


You don't need to be able to keep a straight face to use this card well. Just have a huge grin on your face ALL THE TIME, whether you are lying or not.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (6/8/2014 10:39:14 AM)


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