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Community Rating: 4.524 / 5  (273 votes)
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When I cracked this open, my eyes widened and I realized that this was going in every deck, forever.

It's so much fun to play with, and such a pain in the ass to play against. Hope you brought removal!
Posted By: Jannissary (7/4/2013 4:54:54 AM)


Turn 1: Reliquary Tower, Sol Ring, this imprinting a Boomerang.
Turn 2: Play a land, Sol Ring to bounce land.
Repeat, adding lands as necessary until you win.
For extra fun, run UG with Seedborn Muse!

My friend literally pulled this off against me (sans Muse) and decided to hit someone else's lands, not mine in his Wizards tribal EDH. It was...not fun.

This card is exceedingly good: however, it is beaten by Tamiyo emblem+Omniscience+Boomerang and Dissipate or Cryptic Command.
Still 4/5.
Posted By: JA14732 (9/24/2013 9:16:07 AM)


This gets my seal of approval, for the most part. The Scepter grants great power and tempts its wielder to be an enormous douche-nozzle. Resist the urge. Counterspell, Boomerang, Memory Lapse and Orim's Chant are extremely good, and will probably win you the game, but they are not creative or interesting. Throw something weird and janky on the stick. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of 'fun' go ahead and imprint that gross and abusive spell. See how often your play group lets you use that deck. Maybe you can go play solitaire while everyone else enjoys their fantasy card game. 5/5
Posted By: Pongdok (2/6/2014 1:05:39 PM)


Super wonky, but final fortune and platinum angel.
Posted By: Meatloaf_Wizard (6/6/2014 10:20:10 AM)


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