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I really want to play an epic spell with this. Not exactly practical, but an eternal dominion every turn? Trollin' the opponent hard. With my friends, we never surrender even in the face of epic defeat making win-more combos oh so much fun. Putting an epic spell on this would be... well.. epic.... unless of course they just scoop.
Posted By: inaeternum (7/13/2012 1:32:20 AM)


Victimize + Reassembling Skeleton + Another one of this + any given mill card
Posted By: atemu1234 (7/18/2012 3:26:41 PM)


Seriously, guys. This, plus Glimpse the Unthinkable, plus Paradox Haze is unbelievable!
Posted By: NecroInferno (8/3/2012 3:08:41 PM)


More than one spell can be imprinted, amirite? But only one can be used per turn?
Posted By: Arachnos (8/21/2012 4:42:16 PM)


Cards with no converted mana cost CAN'T be copied with this. First, you have to pay X, and X can't be zero, and they don't have any converted mana cost, and therefore can't be cast. They normally can't be cast in special ways; things like Fist of Suns and Mind's Desire can cast them because they add an alternative casting. (From the rulings)

Yes, you can have multiple imprinted cards, but only one will be copied each turn.

This imprinting Conflux with Omniscience. Tutor any 5 cards, then cast them for free.

This with Rootborn Defenses will first have you make a copy of a token (that doesn't just die at the end of the turn) then makes your creatures indestructible for the turn. Awesome!
Posted By: JarieSuicune (8/29/2012 2:00:51 PM)


@BongRipper: Regrettably, Warp World does not work because the first resolution scraps the mirror.
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/3/2012 4:48:45 PM)


I've recently come to the conclusion that Rite of Replication is the best with this.
Each turn, for five mana, have five copies of the coolest dude on the board!
Posted By: MagnaLynx21 (9/7/2012 7:47:47 AM)


I have a question about this card!
When I have precursor golem on the battlefield and the exiled instant target my precursor golem does it make additionnal copies on my other Golems.
If yes increasing Savagery is godlike!
Posted By: philippe_bosse (9/14/2012 4:20:09 PM)


Jarie thats wrong. You're not casting a card, and you can pay 0 for mirror imprint. Read the actual rulings before you start telling people they're wrong. And their CMC is 0, however they don't have a ost and that is why they can't be cast NORMALLY, however mirror lets you cast them.
Posted By: nope.avi (9/19/2012 9:28:20 AM)


wish this wasn't banned in commander... I mean it's good, but not broken good... but i don't know, I can see it being stupidly annoying.
Posted By: fourismith (12/19/2012 10:11:20 PM)


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