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Community Rating: 1.729 / 5  (48 votes)
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What a jolly rust ball!
Posted By: Goatllama (7/14/2012 9:26:21 PM)


This got a few new friends in recent expansions:

Spine of Ish Sah
Ichor Wellspring
The newer spellbombs
Posted By: Alsebra (8/23/2012 12:16:48 PM)


Nuisance Engine much?
Posted By: Arachnos (1/3/2014 8:53:18 AM)


All I see is Chupon from FF6
Posted By: SeriouslyFacetious (5/9/2014 11:48:11 AM)


"Really shines in a modular deck!" —HeavenWrath

Rust doesn't shine, silly!

But yeah you do have a point, it does work great in a (casual) modular deck.
I remember playing against a slightly altered variant of the Darksteel Theme Deck Transference in my early days of Magic.
I got beaten from it several times because my opponent always had enough Arcbound creatures to feed it, which made it considerably big on its first attack and up to three times as big later on. I had genuine respect from it.

But of course that's not a reliable yet very risky win condition. It continually demands permanents, is prone to removal, and hits you instead if you don't have any. So the junk rating (hah!) for this rusty old thing does seem justified.

I wouldn't consider it a 1.5 though. More of a 2.5 in my book.
But it could have been more. A cost of 3 would have made it pretty interesting.

The oldschool punishment à la Yawgmoth Demon or... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (5/17/2014 7:03:54 PM)


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