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Community Rating: 2.878 / 5  (49 votes)
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A very neat combo card, but practically useless in limited.
Posted By: Gako (10/10/2009 10:51:17 PM)


You could sign me up if you could choose any number of artifact cards, but like this it's pretty useless most oft the time...
Posted By: Mode (11/9/2009 11:07:59 AM)


Mycosynth Lattice + Shatterstorm + This
Posted By: lukemol (9/15/2010 3:37:33 PM)


What are you supposed to do with this thing! It's worthless in an artifact deck (reasons are apparent) and even less useful if you have only a couple artifacts. It is a rare, I would be some what disappointed if I got this in a booster.
Posted By: hid@n (6/21/2010 7:08:48 PM)



The best way I could describe the Mycosynth Lattice and Shatterstorm combo would be like so, and works best if you already have one Mycosynth in play and a large number of {0} or {1} drop mana producing artifacts:

1: Cast Mycosynth lattice from your hand.
2: In response to Mycosynth Lattice being put on the stack, pay {U} to cast Retract. Retract will resolve before your Mycosynth Lattice, which leaves the Lattice as the only permanent you control in play.
3: Drop whatever {0} cost artifacts you control into play that are essential for mana abilities (Mox Ruby, Mox Opal, etc)
4: Cast Shatterstorm.
5: Laugh.
Posted By: MrFluffyThing (2/22/2012 7:16:25 AM)


Cool card. With all the zero-cost artifacts, one could easily use this card to get a nice Storm count going before milling your opponent with Brain Freeze.
Posted By: SirZapdos (4/10/2012 10:57:11 AM)


Deserves a lot better than the 2.5 rating it currently has. Effectively counters Shatterstorm and the like. And speaking of storms...
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (10/9/2012 12:49:38 AM)


I want this for an animar of souls deck.
Run a lot of 0,1, or 2 cost artifact creatures, drop then retract them, play them gain (for free now) and you've efficiently started a good ramp on animar. After this, all you need is good repeatable card draw (Maybe even forced fruition) and you could play out most of your deck in a single turn.
Posted By: orisiti (11/20/2012 6:08:29 PM)



If you want a ridiculous combo to boardwipe them using mycosynth lattice, just use hurkyl's recall. Much simpler and actually works. Best part is, they play 1 land and 1 cmc of cards and then discard all but 7 cards (could be quite a bit).
Posted By: jonrds (1/28/2013 12:24:03 AM)


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