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What would have been cool, is if Serum Powder made it so you could mulligan and draw 7 new cards even if you had previously mulliganed down to less.

But instead, we get a near unplayable card with a neat mechanic that hopefully will be played with in future sets.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (6/10/2010 6:56:50 PM)


I remember all the excitement when it came out. How since it said "in addition" and not "instead of" we all thought it would be "I mulligan my 7 cards hand for a 6 cards hand, and in ADDITION, I draw 7 cards, for a starting hand size of 13" and then it turned out not to be truth... so sad.

Maybe if one could mulligan at other times but the beginning of game but... as it is, is trash. PLEASE (no irony i swear) prove me wrong. (I have like 7)
Posted By: Sphagetti (2/20/2010 1:57:49 AM)


I'd tap that.
Posted By: themlsna (6/5/2010 7:42:07 PM)


I fail to see how any comment on this card that's NOT about ''Makes Manaless Ichorid so Broken it doens't need BLACK LOTUS'' is relevant. In non-Manaless Ichorid games, it's cute. It's a bit lousy though because to be honest I want more than 1 colorless mana for a downpayment of 3.

Manaless Ichorid warps the conversation about this card almost as hard as it warps all the formats where the pieces are legal. Being so single-minded about not just a deck's theme, but a particular card, that you have a kind of inverted Demonic Tutor- instead of a 'Wild Card' in your deck, it's used to force the only card you want in your hand into it-- it seems not practical, EXCEPT in the Textbook Example of where getting THAT. ONE. CARD. really IS worth it because there really ISN'T an answer. All the other cards you might claim Johnny's would be fishing for except Bazaar of Baghdad have 'reasonable answers', and stop being worth the amount of Warping your deck has. In most cases, take Demoni... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/16/2012 5:49:49 PM)


if someone beat me on turn one or two I really wouldn't care, after such a short game I would just ask for a rematch...
of course I only play casual so a loss doesn't really matter like it would in a tournament.
Posted By: supershawn (3/4/2011 11:28:42 AM)


The only reason why it isn't THAT terrible when you draw it from your deck is the ability to produce 1.
If it didn't have that, I wouldn't even attempt to put it in any deck for the random "free mulligan".
Since it does, it makes it so actually drawing it in the middle of the game isn't backbreaking.
Posted By: infernox10 (5/20/2011 2:06:38 PM)


So, what happens if we have multiples of this card in our starting hand? 14 card draw in the next hand, or only 7?
Posted By: carldooley (9/15/2011 12:16:06 PM)


Actually, now with Innistrad, this is much more powerful than it was before in the Ichorid deck, since the Laboratory Maniac and Runic Repetition allow you to get away with quite a bit using this fellow. At worst, you draw into it and get an extra Derranged Assistant, furthermore it can fuel any "sacrifice artifact" engines at opportunity cost 3 in sorcery speed, so no matter what it can make itself useful without having to work too hard for it.
Posted By: Wynzerman (11/20/2011 1:39:18 AM)


This card allows -1 turn losses in draft and freeform by letting you draw yourself out.
Posted By: StinkyFeet (7/10/2012 9:36:41 PM)


What an awesome card. Even outside of T1 win decks, it still can save the day with an emergency mulligan. And its almost a manalith too.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/25/2013 11:18:23 AM)


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