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Community Rating: 3.364 / 5  (33 votes)
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This card is pretty much a Fog and a kill spell put together. Maybe 5 is a little over costed. If prevented all damage, not just combat damage, maybe it would be a little higher rated.
But all in all, I think this card is good.
But then again, my main MTG opponent plays Commander against me with an enormous, trampling Kresh and an army of dragons, so...
Posted By: ZaisConsultant (7/8/2012 8:47:23 PM)


I never read the card. 4/5 for art alone!
Posted By: Stinga (10/10/2012 4:49:52 PM)


It's essentially a Holy Day and a slightly different Harm's Way combined together. 4 mana might be a bit more reasonable, but I certainly don't think 5 mana makes this unplayable. Most opponents will probably be expecting a plain Holy Day effect, an exile, or a protection effect as a combat trick from white, rather than this card.
Posted By: tankthebest (6/19/2013 9:08:36 AM)


Oh no! My board is empty and you're attacking with Phyrexian Negator! Help, whatever shall I do?
Posted By: LordRandomness (7/19/2013 5:18:25 PM)


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