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Community Rating: 4.115 / 5  (74 votes)
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As far as equipment goes, this is one of the best you can get. As soon as you equip it and attack, it destroys your opponent. At least 3 damage is gonna go somewhere, usually more, and it's trample damage, and you're gonna gain at least 3 life, unless the damage is prevented. Still, the trample will get through more times than not, and your opponent is gonna take some damage. The net difference in life this thing makes is astounding. In 3 turns, sometimes you and your opponent can have a 30 life difference. Equip on something like Kazandu Blademaster or the new Elite Inquisitor and you have a 5/2 vigilant-first-striking-trampling-lifelink-annihilator causing devastation each turn, and then defending for even more life. Equip on a fatty and you can outright win the game. This also goes great with regenerating creatures since they can suicide attack or block and survive. Drudge Skeletons equipped with a Loxodon Warhammer migh... (see all)
Posted By: CorkBulb (9/3/2012 9:19:21 AM)


Compare with Vulshok Battlegear. Same set, same rarity, same equip/cast cost.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/30/2013 8:57:33 AM)


Serra Avatar... Nuff said...
Posted By: sojourner202 (2/9/2013 9:48:20 PM)


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