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Equinox, this is not a good example for any designer to follow. This card is too strong. I can't tell for sure where the line is between 'too weak' and 'playable AND printable' but the 'too strong' line is pretty clear: Thou Shalt Not Be Better Than Lightning Bolt. Development didn't need to know anything else in the Mirrodin Design file to kill this: It deal more damage than Lightning Bolt, ALMOST more damage PER MANA, AND it's primary features are 'sacrifice' and 'artifact'. They should have learned their lessons about those two words by this point.

Printing a card that literally says 'sacrifice an artifact, deal 1.6 Lightning Bolts' was insane on their part.

I bet Mox Rubies saw a lot of play in Pro Red Decks because of this (Pro Level, not Protection From)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/20/2011 7:04:15 PM)


Today this might be fair if it was in Scars, for two major reasons:
1. Lightning Bolt sets the norm now
2. There's no artifact lands to ensure that you always have artifacts lying around to deliver to last 5 or 10. You need to work (and engineer you deck) for every blast.

Back then it wasn't, but in a sea of such grave errors like Skullclamp, Ravager, Aether Vial, and Cranial Plating (two of them only because of the extent that they were augmented by artifact lands), the Blast almost seemed like the negligible of the evils. It was still a bit on a broken side, though.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/24/2010 11:09:42 PM)


This is madness!!

Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!!

Seriously, it being an instant is tremendously powerful. I wish goblin grenade was an instant, even if it costed one more (I play goblins)
Posted By: Lueseto (12/9/2011 4:50:07 PM)


Wish the art wasn't stupid.
Posted By: metalevolence (10/26/2011 1:28:12 AM)


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