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Arguably the worst of the Kamigawa dragons... yet still incredibly awesome in it's own right. A 5/5 flyer in Green with a serious buff effect should it go down (especially in the colour that boasts the most creatures with trample) should never be sniffed at. This was such a great cycle.
Posted By: Reishyn (5/28/2013 10:52:17 AM)


It's an arcbound dragon!
Posted By: Hibron (6/4/2010 6:51:28 AM)


You know what jugan is absolutely excellent for is a naya deck, its a 5/5 so it can gain all those extra 5 power abilities, it flies so it can deal with opponents who use a lot of flying creatures (blue and white typically, or dragons in red) and if it dies one of your other naya creatures becomes a 10/10. You could even spread its counters out over a couple of different creatures to boost them all. Play with mayael's aria and if you can get that one creature with a 10/10 your getting 10 life per turn and more counters. Makes your opponent pay for removing it, even if you only have one 1/1 token on the field besides the dragon. All in all pretty great for a 6 mana green card.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/1/2009 6:08:00 PM)


Doubling Season is good, but if you also use a Splinter Twin, you'll kill it and the tokens, but then get that many more 5x counters that then multiply AGAIN. Woop!
Posted By: surewhynot (6/16/2010 1:16:14 PM)


Did I read "five counters" if this thing dies?
I would love to run this in a proliferate deck!!!

With Contagion Engine, things can get out of hand!!
Posted By: Destruction3402 (3/20/2011 5:17:11 PM)


Yay Doubling Season!
Posted By: Waffle_of_Bolas (9/12/2009 4:20:15 PM)


My second favorite from the Kamigawa dragon cycle. Its ability is always useful, and it's a solid body. 4.5/5.
Posted By: Zulp (10/4/2009 6:28:32 PM)


Please tell me somebody has lived the horribly evil you-are-a-very-bad-person-for-even-IMAGINING-this dream of:

5 Legendary Kamigawa Dragons +
1 kicked Rite of Replication +
2 maxed Echo Mages targeting the Rite...

and sent 35 dragons to the graveyard at once. Because you can NEVER have too much Overkill.

First person to do it PLEASE YouTube the moment.
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/12/2011 5:40:27 PM)


@beerious Splinter Twin would work with this card, in that, when activated, both the Jugan and his Jugan Twin token would get put into the graveyard (due to the legend rule) and trigger each of their abilities. Once in the graveyard, the token ceases to exist.

With Mirror Gallery, though, you would need to have some way of killing the Jugan Twin, otherwise at the end of the turn it would exile itself and not trigger it's dies ability.
Posted By: Gandlodder (6/21/2011 7:31:43 PM)


my favorite fom dragon cycle
Posted By: thrallallmighty (3/13/2010 8:42:04 AM)


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