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As has been said, it's a flying green creature that doesn't even cost that much. Awesome!
Also, this has some really awesome synergy with graft.
Posted By: Dark_Raider (8/8/2009 4:06:24 AM)


Easily the weakest of the five Spirit Dragons, Jugan is the only one I've never had any qualms about killing. Still, a five five flier for Green isn't bad by any means. But it's most likely to be played in mono green given that cost, and Green doesn't have many other fliers to give those counters to--frankly I'd rather see them on non-fliers instead. I play a lot of removal, and I've rarely faced down Jugan for more than two turns simply because unlike the other four Spirit Dragons, his graveyard effect isn't sufficient to scrub the bullseye off his forehead.

Gorgeous art, though. It's a solid creature in its own right and a good choice for Green, but it doesn't hold up to its brothers.

Posted By: Bisento (2/19/2013 8:14:02 PM)


this card is really good for some reasons first how many green creatures do you see with flying
then its last ability is awesome you can distribute counters or put them in only one creature
Posted By: FredPT (6/29/2009 7:31:37 AM)


It's probably the worst of the dragon spirit cycle but that doesn't mean it is bad by any means. All those cards were amazing, especially Kokusho, the Evening Star.

Even without the excellent ability, it's an efficient 5/5 flyer for green. And the ability really is excellent...think of it as an arcbound creature that doesn't have the artifact restriction.

Great job by the artist, too. It's definitely the best looking of the cycle. Actually, i'm lying; the blue one looks cooler.
Posted By: Laguz (6/24/2010 10:38:31 PM)


Time for a design story!

As Aaron Forsythe recounts (http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/af38) the spirit dragon cycle were costed according to how 'in-color' it was for that color to have a dragon.
Red, being the dragon color, was very splashable.
Blue, while not typically associated with dragons, but with Onslaught's dragon centricness in recent memory and blue's history of big flyers, was also very splashable.
White and black get plenty of dragons when it comes down to it, so they both got off pretty well.
Green, getting about as many dragons as they do flyers of any kind, got the short end of the stick.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (2/6/2011 9:39:30 AM)


@surewhynot - Sorry but Splinter Twin would be a bad idea on Jugan, seeing as he is Legendary.
Posted By: Ouroborobelisk (6/11/2011 12:34:42 PM)


It's a pity that Jugan falls to Wrath of God, since unlike Keiga when you cast this you need like at least two creatures alongside it.

Though I did find a wonderful use for this: I won every game when I followed Greater Good with Jugan.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (6/12/2011 8:46:14 PM)



Not quite. Only the Red one was costed according to how "in-color' it was to get a dragon.The others were costed according to how 'in-color' flying is for that color.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/21/2011 6:48:14 PM)


@surewhynot: I'm not sure if splinter twin works. Jugan's effect only happens if it goes to the graveyard. Would the splinter twin token go to the graveyard or not? Please clarify.
Posted By: beerious (6/17/2011 4:39:08 PM)


@Myself: Learn to read. Please ignore my previous question.
Posted By: AntonidusBlock (7/12/2011 3:57:29 PM)


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