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Community Rating: 4.022 / 5  (89 votes)
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Captain Jugan - "The power is yours!"
Mycoloth - "Superb! I'am now five time's(counters) more awesome!".
Steel Helkite - "Whatever" *Pay's Five*
Mycoloth - "You no fun!"
Captain Jugan "It wasn't worth it"
Mycoloth - "Don't make it any worse!"
Posted By: Cloudeye (10/9/2011 11:36:06 AM)


So if you make this guy your commander, do you still get to distribute the five +1/+1 tokens if you have him go to the command zone instead of the graveyard?
Posted By: james2c19v (1/4/2012 11:31:01 AM)


Pure green right here. So you just killed my flying fatty? Don't mind if I pump all my other creatures, huh?
Posted By: steinburger1109 (5/23/2012 8:20:46 PM)


If you want to know more about the Jugan, check out this article:

Be sure to check out Order of the Sacred Bell as well.
Posted By: Ninjitsu (6/30/2012 7:01:24 AM)


If only it distributed SEVEN counters ;)
Posted By: Stray_Dog (10/11/2012 4:53:02 PM)


@reishyn In my opinion I think the red Dragon in this cycle was worse, being an overcosted conditional boardwhipe effect. In the right deck this and he can be very good though.
Posted By: atemu1234 (6/25/2013 7:38:06 AM)


I remember someone passing this to me in a draft and being like, Ugh, I'm not playing this color, so you'll be really happy about this. I wasn't playing the color either but I made sure I snagged that sucker. Took it and never looked back. He's one of the only 2 mono green dragons and he was my first dragon. I remember feeling so lucky to just have a dragon.
On another dickish note, my friend was sitting to my pass at that draft table and was playing green. Sorry, dude.
Posted By: raptorman333 (10/4/2013 6:35:30 AM)


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