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Community Rating: 4.260 / 5  (52 votes)
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So good. I want to use it in my Tajic EDH deck so badly, but the 3 red mana is a little tough. I may throw it in anyway though :D thing is, I'd rather take the 'safer' route and use slagstorm since it's almost like this card, but can very easily be cast.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/24/2013 10:35:32 AM)


I love it. I adore it. It's magnificent. It's not the best card in the world, sure, but it's cost-effective, and it fills a certain niche.

But that's not why I love it.

It just... looks nice, you know? And not just the art. It's just overall a very aesthetically pleasing card. Sure, the art is fantastic, but it just contributes to a larger feeling of goodness and simplicity that the card has. The {R}{R}{R} mana cost, the fun, simple name, the modern card frame... hell, even the "rare" expansion symbol looks right, and adds something to the visual appeal of the card. It just all fits.

The only thing I can really complain about is the Sorcery typing. It mars the inherent beauty of the card. "Instant" would have looked so much better. Of course, then it would have been a much better card, too, so... I'll take what I can get. Still, 5/5.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/16/2013 2:25:30 AM)


Good midrange Red control. And that is hard to get. Personally I'd rather play Pyroclasm for hitting pesky white blue flyers or Earthquake for it's splashiness, but this is a totally viable alternative, and better in many circumstances.
Posted By: doitpow (10/2/2013 11:42:16 AM)


Anger of the Gods says hi.
Posted By: larkeith (11/2/2013 6:15:22 PM)


These pretzels are making me thirsty!
Posted By: TinGorilla (4/22/2014 10:09:50 AM)


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