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Community Rating: 4.614 / 5  (197 votes)
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She is awesome, different from most girls she likes to be taken advantage of:D
Posted By: Saigmundur (1/17/2010 1:27:49 PM)


Incredible creature, it's all I can say... oh yes and: REPRINT IT wizards !
Posted By: True_Smog (11/1/2009 9:47:45 AM)


Soul Foundry? Or does it not work?
Posted By: Manji187 (12/4/2010 10:32:58 AM)


Absolutely a powerful card, but not actually broken. I would like it to be reprinted: not so that it can get abused, but rather so that it is more available to casual green decks who could use a little help.

Green genuinely needs either recursion or card advantage. It has had it in different forms (flashback, a little bit of madness, greater good, etc.) and I'm glad its getting cards like these more often. Without it green just gasses way too quickly. There's really nothing wrong with giving green a card like this, especially at 2 green weight. Yes, a good multicolor deck will always have the two green necessary, but it takes preparation to do so consistently, especially if you plan on taxing your resources by bouncing the witness and/or playing the returned spell in the same turn.

Really, an 8 mana lock that requires you to cast multiple spells every round is not actually that powerful. I'd sooner play a turn two exhume on Iona, Shield of Emeria/auto... (see all)
Posted By: Calver (12/7/2010 6:51:09 AM)


Amazing card. Really hope to see this reprinted at some point.
Posted By: .Blaze. (2/2/2011 11:24:18 AM)


Another one of those cards that they didn't play test enough, its actually ridiculously unfair with simple cards like crystal shard, venser, and etc. You find one card that locks out your opponent, then replay eternal witness repeatedly to use it, and that's game. The typical set up is venser/crystal shard, eternal witness, exhausation. You can also use oris samite guardian + eternal witness to bring back a second copy from the graveyard and discard it repeatedly for her grandeur affect making it so your opponent can no longer play spells the rest of the game.

Can tell that wotc makes a point not to print any more cards like this since we haven't seen anymore return any card affects except for naya charm, and thats on an instant that takes 3 different colored mana and so isn't quite as abusable. Oh and no they should never EVER reprint this card. Any card that locks out your opponent from doing anything as soon as you get two cards in play is over powered, and frankly takes all... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (1/17/2010 2:51:24 AM)


My fried told me that this card is on my never reprint list. Please tell me hes lying.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/8/2009 8:40:22 PM)


play it with followed footseps! get a card back every turn
Posted By: jdvue (7/15/2009 9:43:46 AM)


Posted By: tcollins (11/24/2010 8:03:31 PM)


Eternal Witness + Erratic Portal.
Eternal Witness + Library of Leng + Altar of Dementia.
Very nice card. It expands the possibilities!
Posted By: Guest1334148255 (9/19/2009 11:02:52 AM)


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