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Lion's Eye Diamond, natch.
Posted By: Axelle (5/8/2011 5:45:21 PM)


I use this to bring back my storm crow

@TimmyForever - U Mad Bro?
Posted By: Hivis_of_the_Scale (6/27/2012 9:21:38 PM)


Doomsday's big brother.

Restricting this but not restricting Infernal Tutor is just asking for trouble.

"I asplode my hand to get a bunch of mana, cast Infernal Tutor snagging Yawgmoth's Will, I asplode my graveyard to get a bunch of mana, recast Infernal Tutor for Tendrils..."

Competitive? "Not yet. ... Soon."
Posted By: Salient (7/2/2012 7:27:15 PM)


Probably the most powerfull card in MTG.

If you dont like this is 'cause you dont understand power.
Posted By: Dubbios (8/9/2012 2:40:42 PM)


To most experienced Magic players, this is the best card ever printed (it is always a tie between Yawgmoth's Will, Ancestral Recall and Contract from Below). For three mana, your graveyard becomes your hand for one turn. Broken.
Posted By: MassiveMassive (8/28/2012 11:39:02 AM)


By itself, a fairly powerful card that allows for surprises late game.

Used correctly? Instantaneous winning. Throws the entire game in a single fell swoop.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (10/11/2012 9:22:27 PM)


i'm a black mage at heart but i have to admit this one is a little over the top..

they don't call it yawgmoth's win for nothing..

wins games upon resolution..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (10/15/2012 1:58:54 AM)


So... I just got my copy of this card. Running it in a deck with 2 demonic tutors, 4 necropotences, 3 Hymn to Tourachs, and 2 Phyrexian Obliterators, and of course Dark ritual as a 4-of. Can I join the black-mages club now?
Posted By: NoIHavent (10/24/2012 6:12:40 AM)


Amzing card; I'm going to run it in a Reanimator just to be able to recast my Rituals and animate spells...or my Rituals into a kicked Rite of Replication targeting Kokusho, the Evening Star.

I say this knowing it's a very inferior way of using the card, but I love it and I play casual so I'm allowed to do stupid sh!t. Also, it'll put the card into my collection for when I build a deck that can use it properly.

Moving on...

@atemu1234; Well said my friend, well said. You beat me to it by a day (I just read his post today). I also have read some of "his" posts and you are on right on the money. I'd give my own opinion but it would basically be copy and pasting yours.

@TimmyForever; I don't have the time or patience to explain everything that's wrong with what you said. Please just go away.

@All (minus TimmyForever); Does anyone else think he's just some troll trying to p!ss everyone off?
Posted By: RecurringMemories (11/20/2012 3:05:22 PM)


Cant believe I missed the combo with dark ritual....

What if this was reprinted in a format with no dark ritual type instant/sorcerys and 0 cmc artifacts?

Remember, people thought Lotus Petal was a bad card, before urza saga. Its the cards around a card that defines if its good or not.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/23/2012 6:31:43 PM)


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