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This and Noble Purpose helped me end a game with 6464 life once. Good times.
Posted By: SirMalkin (7/20/2011 3:21:23 PM)


Flavor text should read:

Duh, winning!
Serra Avatar!
Posted By: PurpGuy (9/16/2011 8:44:49 AM)


as awsome as this card is, backlash and phthis can kill it and you in one hit, and backlash is much, much cheeper, dispite it being multy colored. not a bad card, just run counter spells or your own destroy to prevent such thing from hapining.

Also, True Conviction. Quadruple your life total every turn? yes please.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (2/6/2011 7:51:02 AM)


Anubisisking Power creep? Omg have you even looked at the set she is from it makes the new sets look week.
Posted By: dragonking987 (2/19/2011 6:31:57 PM)


This card isn't all that...it doesn't have evasion, it can't be reanimated early due to the shuffle ability, and by the time you actually cast it, your life total might be single digits anyway.
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (10/18/2009 11:52:04 AM)


Powercreep means this should cost CMC 6... still it's a good card.
Posted By: Anubisisking (2/6/2011 11:07:16 AM)


Umm, that's a horrible combo, even if it would work... but it doesn't.
Serra Avatar's ability keeps it from ever going to the graveyard, so Remembrance never triggers.
Posted By: Vadoff (10/22/2009 6:00:49 PM)


Kicked Agonizing Demise kicks away Serra Avatar and its controller.
Posted By: Tutturu (11/8/2011 1:48:51 AM)


I have to stop you guys before you confuse yourselfs, "Remembrance"..re-read Serra Avatar second line text, it states "When Serra Avatar is put into a graveyard, shuffle Serra Avatar into owner's library" Notice the PUT INTO A GRAVEYARD..it is an activating requirement, it must in fact enter the graveyard before it is shuffled into your library. It doesn't state "IF" Serra Avatar WOULD be put into owner's library it is instead returned to the library. No it must infact ENTER the graveyard before the text is satisfide, therefore "Remembrance" does in fact take effect, though i suggest "Sigil of the new dawn" return to your hand for one white and one colorless as a fast effect. As far as casting cost, im personally not a fan of mixing red and white so i believe that Belbe's Portal (Artifact:Cost 5 Colorless) put her into play for 3 colorless or Quicksilver Amulet (Artifact:Cost 4 Colorless) puts her and any other expensice creature into play you mite have for only 4 colorless..i feel tha... (see all)
Posted By: Whitepheonix87 (10/28/2009 12:16:44 AM)


I had a friend that used Oath of Druids with this card, along with several Gaea's Blessing for anti self-mill tech, and the Dragon Auras from Scourge. It was a brutal deck, very potent and terrifyingly consistent.

Just saying. You don't have to wait until the eighth turn to cast the Avatar, and you don't need to rely on fragile creatures to summon it.
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (8/27/2010 12:32:52 PM)


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