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Community Rating: 4.574 / 5  (108 votes)
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Very fun with Crystal Shard cheap effective and he goes right back to your hand. Pretty much hey nice *Enter Card Name Here* I will take that from you. Trololololo
Posted By: swagtusk (7/12/2013 6:42:11 PM)


roon of the hidden realm makes this guy even more fun.
Posted By: Naumana (11/29/2013 4:42:33 PM)


I don't see anyone else asking, so hey: what happens if I flicker this guy when his ability is on the stack? Do I end up with 2 creatures?
Posted By: BlakeHN (1/11/2014 3:33:11 PM)


I'm gonna make an edh deck that waits to drop a huge non flying dude to bait out a gilded drake then infect kill the jerk who played the drake with a bunch of free buffs. Thank you for the drake you op jerk.

This thing is a b*tch to play against. It's like Oooh lemme throw my money at you
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (6/3/2014 12:10:30 PM)


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