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Community Rating: 4.236 / 5  (91 votes)
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Ok.. I promise I'm not trying to be rude or an a-hole or whatever so can everybody try hard not to get so dang butthurt about this?? Anyone who is using orcish knows at least a little bit about MTG, some more than others but cest la vie! Can we PLEASE stop taking up space to just to have our name pop up on a comment with the most obvious crap you could put?!? If someone takes 1 look at this card and doesn't immediately think to themselves wow this would be pretty good against artifact decks.. Then they're retarded and you can't help them, even by stating that in the comments, all those ppl will see when they read it is banannas and crayons! The rest of us just like you already get it. So think deeper and be more creative or shut up and rate the card. Sorry for edge to my tone and the redundancy.
Posted By: Mike-C (2/20/2012 7:23:13 PM)


This might be useful against artifact decks, but i'm not too sure about that.
Posted By: WannabeJedi1337 (12/31/2012 3:40:11 AM)


i bet this was the most hated sideboard card in standard for a while after mirrodin :P
Posted By: Cyphortec (3/28/2011 9:19:16 PM)


What I find kind of funny about this card is how little the card matches the short story posted on the website ("War's Wage"). The card is cheap and small artifact hate, while the story is one about a unstoppable spirit consumed by the need for vengeance and the anger it feels at others for stealing its vengeance.

The story itself is still very good, luckily; it was written by Jeff Grubb, who wrote The Brother's War and the Ice Age books.
Posted By: Fireballmage (5/27/2012 5:04:31 AM)


I really wanted it for my Spirit decks, but Long-Forgotten Gohei won that fight. Even if I am using some Drogskol Captains I like my buffs.
Posted By: psychichobo (12/12/2012 4:33:37 PM)


Step 1: Play Kataki
Step 2: Play Gibbering Descent and get rid of your hand
Step 3: Use Mycosynth Lattice to turn everything into an artifact
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit
Posted By: CamperCarl00 (5/28/2013 5:36:38 PM)


Mycosynth Lattice + Null Rod while sandbagging some lands.
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/6/2013 10:13:47 AM)


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