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Community Rating: 4.232 / 5  (127 votes)
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I forgot the name of this card, and well, here it is. I thought it was some sort of Orb.

Yeah... Id love to have three Genju of the Realm out and attack you for 24 damage each turn. Sucks for you.
Posted By: Exclaimer999 (3/17/2011 1:04:31 PM)


Oh exploitable.
Posted By: BrightOrangePants (8/25/2011 7:46:57 AM)


Use with Vampire Hexmage, Dark Depths, Paradox Haze and Followed Footsteps for ultimate face bashing :)
Posted By: ILuvEvilCombos (11/21/2011 11:31:08 PM)


I used this along with Rite of Replication and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV against my friend. Tables were flipped.
Posted By: koopashell (3/26/2012 2:28:04 PM)


Take this! My four copies of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and four copies of Progenitus and four copies of... um...
Posted By: muggtonp (4/23/2012 5:20:03 PM)


Useless in EDH. 0/5.

I'm kidding, of course. 4/5 for exciting my inner Johnny, but costing too much. 3 would have been fine, even 4, but 5..?
Posted By: undergroundmonorail (8/20/2012 7:28:29 PM)


Fun with effects like Genesis Wave or Hypergenesis in the right deck.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/20/2012 11:48:28 PM)


As awesome as this card is, it really feels boarder line unusable as a 5 drop. Yeah, it enables some cool combos and all, but you're paying 5 mana for a card that doesn't do anything on it's own. Also, even if one managed to use this correctly, it would suck pretty hard to have this removed at just the wrong time.

That being said, I'm sure if you build around it, it can be devastating, and I can think of many legends whom become absolutely ridiculous with multiples ( Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, any of the Praetors, ect). Still though, it's very difficult to use this card effectively. So much so that I've never really seen it used. Would it have been so bad to lower the cost to 3 or so?

Also, broken with Gaea's Cradle

3.5/5, mostly for the potential.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/22/2012 11:07:21 PM)


@pentavite: Doesn't work, Infinite Reflection only causes nontokens to duplicate.

Pity, could've been a real corker, that one.
Posted By: psychichobo (11/4/2012 2:58:33 PM)


Because one Braids, Conjurer Adept is never enough.
Posted By: brockdjwest (11/13/2012 1:10:23 PM)


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