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hmmmm he has to be a banned general
Posted By: aba1 (6/17/2010 7:12:27 PM)



Sadly he would do nothing at one life. He does half of one, rounded down, which is zero.
Posted By: VoidedNote (8/27/2010 12:53:16 AM)


Frees from the Real is especially useful. Bring them down to 3 or less life, than Bolt them.
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/17/2010 3:10:39 PM)


Pretty crazy flavor text.
Posted By: Pillow676 (2/6/2011 9:53:49 AM)


A great general with Infect. Grafted Exoskeleton anyone? NOBODY WINS. Especially janky Lifegain decks.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/24/2011 4:46:36 PM)


Most people here don't seem to realize it deals damage to each player, aka your opponents and YOU. If infect would kill your opponent it would likely kill you too without previous manipulation, and doubling the damage also requires similar finesse. The suggestion to use him as a general in EDH is just plain funny and should probably get him banned as one, but until then i have a new planned EDH deck.
Posted By: jsttu (4/11/2011 9:19:57 AM)


ive seen decks built round this guy, deal damage to players so your opponents are all on even life totals and your allies are all on odd life totals then double the damage, lost so many times that way. however I prefer Skirk Fire Marshal maybe they could find themselves in the same deck
Posted By: Ava_Adore (4/28/2011 8:11:23 AM)


@ jsttu: That can easily be remedied by having 19 or less life, which is very easy to achieve.
Posted By: Axelle (5/5/2011 10:24:53 PM)


I bet he would be a fun EDH genera... I mean Commander. Players start with 40 life, so Heartless will do 20- one less than the amount of general damage needed to win.
Posted By: Ideatog (8/18/2011 11:41:38 PM)


Only combat damage is general damage. His tap ability deals no general damage. He still deals massive damage to everyone, and slings your opponents and you right into direct damage death range. Just hope you're the only one at the table holding lightning bolt. I play him with a lot of haste enablers, some cheap fliers (they only need to deal about 3 damage!), fireball like spells, etc.

Also, thousand-year elixir is fantastic with him.
Posted By: brainfacer (9/20/2011 4:13:41 PM)


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