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Do I have heartless hide, uguu?
Posted By: ZaisConsultant (9/22/2013 1:45:34 AM)


Combine with Hammer of Purphoros and Illusionist's Bracers for a turn 5 or turn 6 win with him as your general in EDH. Definitely a brutal general. Use him in a heavy burn and creature control EDH deck for mono red, splash in artifacts such as Basilisk Collar, Quietus Spikeand Lightning Greaves and sit back and lol the entire time. "oh, you play life gain and infinite tokens, that's cute. want to self destruct or shall I just replace you with a crater in the floor?"
Posted By: harvester0souls (10/27/2013 9:45:47 PM)


This would be funny as hell in an EDH deck with Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. Especially if you have a way of giving him haste.
Posted By: Totema (10/30/2013 10:23:44 PM)


Run with shock and pain lands to lower your health, and Tainted Strike, Grafted Exoskeleton or Phyresis
Posted By: OstravaBoletaria (12/30/2013 5:19:36 AM)


Combo with tainted strike and hex parasite for the win. (You only 1 shot people with 20 or more life).
Posted By: jonrds (2/20/2014 9:05:24 AM)


You can't really see it in this shot, but in his right hand, he's got a Loxodon Warhammer.
Posted By: mrchuckmorris (3/30/2014 1:59:17 PM)


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