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Why, Groundbreaker, you're going to die anyways. You might as well take one for the team, eh?
Posted By: Drewsel (5/25/2012 7:48:39 AM)


Used this with Omniscience in a game of EDH the other day. Things quickly got out of hand...
Posted By: Qahir (8/1/2012 12:24:28 PM)


Kudos to them for using a quote from the novel Frankenstein.
Posted By: DrJack (8/3/2012 2:58:42 AM)


I LOVED this card! I played the crap out of this card when Ravnica first came out with dredge. Just burned through my deck with dredge cards after sacrificing my Grave Troll or Scarab, just to either reanimate my Razia / Firemane or to power through with my Restless Tomb.
Posted By: Battleguild (10/3/2012 10:02:03 PM)


@Donovan_Fabian; I disagree as it is only worth while (card wise) if the creature is power 4 or greater. Though at 3 you would possibly be able to draw 3 better cards then were in your hand. It does help avoid things like Sword of Plowshare, but I don't think it's overpowered. If you were right about the testing it wouldn't have been reprinted after so long.
Posted By: RecurringMemories (11/2/2012 4:36:15 AM)


Woodfall Primus + Melira + this
Posted By: LowKey49 (2/7/2013 11:23:36 AM)


Rather than "going off", I use this for two kinds of decks:
-Lots of creatures and no removal protection (this gives you some card filtering/draw while limiting their removal's effectiveness)
-Lots of pumps + high power. Gives you the ability to stay relevant in a long game

Also, it's awesome card filtering late game with Pulse of the tangle. You filter three cards for 3 mana, and quickly get to what you need.

Combine it with a gaea's blessing so you never draw yourself to death. Only need 1-2 of those.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/15/2013 10:48:39 AM)


Reprint! Reprint! Reprint! Come on. :<
Posted By: TexasDice (6/13/2013 6:45:06 AM)


The best part about it is, it cost no mana to use and has no timing restrictions. Meaning when this hits the field, anything with 4 power or greater will be impossible to use removal on or else you will just sacrifice and draw cards.

I feel its balanced though.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/29/2013 9:10:15 PM)


@BegleOne: It's not quite true to say it's only useful for creatures with power 4 or greater. With power 3 it's still draw 3 then discard 3 which is pretty hefty card selection (assuming your hand isn't empty, of course).

And if your deck plans to use the graveyard as a resource then even losing a 1/1 when you've got an empty hand lets you effectively mill yourself for free: more fodder for your Creeping Renaissance, dredge, or whatever else you plan to capitalise on it with.
Posted By: Sasooli (11/29/2013 3:31:55 PM)


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