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Deathtouch for everyone!
Posted By: ZakFrost (7/14/2011 11:33:46 AM)


@ metalevolence and everyone else:

metalevolence said: "unfortunately for cool flavor text, sudden extinction of life is very much the plan of this card."

Actually, this card is best made use of when the deck design is somehow for all creatures to die except for yours.

I'm not gonna give away my particular strategies, but I've had some deck concepts where my creatures remain on the field, while creatures of other players pretty much die at my will - thanks to this card.

I've gotta put this card overall at about 4 of 5. It's simply powerful and game-dominating when utilized correctly; but it's not like a staple or something that fits into any deck, or even any black deck.
Posted By: humor_love (1/3/2012 8:53:56 AM)


How does this work against creatures that prevent all damage dealt to them, such as Fog Bank? Are they still "dealt damage", and get destroyed?
Posted By: Totema (6/5/2012 12:10:44 PM)


Caltrops would prevent anything from getting through to anyone. Circle of flame would prevent anything without flying from getting to you, specifically. A fully leveled Lord of Shatterskull Pass would slaughter entire battlefields. Glorious, meaningless slaughter...
Posted By: Averyck (8/18/2012 7:26:28 PM)


Fog Bank states "combat damage." So if I attack you, and you block with Fog Bank. No matter the Power of my creature, it would not deal damage to your creature. Since Fog Bank has 0 Power as default without any buffs, and stated that it deals no damage by it's own affect, it would deal no damage to my creature. Both would be safe from this enchantment. However, if I casted Tremor, again your creature would be safe. It's non-combat damage, but it does only affect non-flying creatures. Any non-flying creature on the field would die from this affect, unless prevented per card allowance, or indestructible, or etc. Later I have Blood Cultist, using it's Tap ability and dealt 1 damage to Fog Bank. This is not combat damage, and would strike your creature. Fog Bank would only take 1 damage, not lethal damage since has Toughness 2. Death Pits of Rath would check and see that Fog Bank did take damage, and then de... (see all)
Posted By: applecorn (11/23/2012 11:01:59 PM)


I like how when the death pits are out, Murder is less of a guaranteed death than Hornet Sting.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (2/7/2013 1:14:25 PM)


"everything has deathtouch."
Posted By: O0oze (6/20/2013 1:18:09 AM)


Posted By: raptorman333 (5/7/2014 9:00:01 AM)


this + Eater of the Dead + Hermetic Study = study of the dead. eat it, Visara
Posted By: rockbeatspapertoo (6/3/2014 12:12:23 PM)


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