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This is a good card. Just use it with instant-speed card draw like Fact or Fiction or Scepter of Insight, or other instant-speed stuff like Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir.

Not quite as good as Cryptic Command or the original Counterspell, but a strong counterspell nonetheless.
Posted By: mutantman (10/24/2009 2:51:08 PM)


This is really meant to be used with those lands that tap for something other than 1 mana. Something like the Ravnica bounce lands, or a Maze or Arena, not to just to untap 4 more islands.
Posted By: sincleanser (8/18/2011 10:40:02 AM)


Ive always liked it, not best counterspell, but feel its a good edition to a blue deck with lots of other counterspells, as with all counterspells that are different to the card counterspell, having a higher cost but a good ability, or similar cost but a restrictive ability, you have to come up with a way to use that ability to your advantage, like familiars ruse, bounce a creature with a come into play/leaves play ability, with this there is obvious mana advantage, and storm advantage.

personally the best combo i can think of is for use with psycic venom, someone tries to destroy psycic venom, or even a land with psycic venom attached. counter with rewind untap lands with psycic venom attached, tap em again. this would be mid to lategame of course, although all you would need is two psycic venoms, two tap spells and 4 lands, so turn 5 you could potentially deal 8 damage in a turn to your opponent and shut down his entire game. (I have done similar things before)
Posted By: Ava_Adore (3/16/2011 6:46:34 AM)


The way I see it, this is a weaker one of the "free" spells. These cards are worth it only if you are going to play spells/abilities later that turn (I know, I know, stating the obvious). All of the other cards are meant to be played during one's turn (i.e. non-instants, creature removal for attack with Snap or renewing a hand with Frantic Search) whose untapping can support almost any situation. A counterspell is awfully situational, and you may not need the mana at the same time you need the counter.
Then again, countering creature removal is useful against many decks, and if you happen to have "end of opponent's turn" abilities to empty.
Posted By: zk3 (8/26/2009 6:35:24 PM)


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