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Community Rating: 2.394 / 5  (66 votes)
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I know it isn't fair but I have to 5 star this card for nostalgia sake. When I first started playing magic years ago I didn't really know much about strategy and the like. I never thought that 8 mana for a vanilla 7/6 is a bad deal. I just saw the 7/6 and thought it was untouchable so I started collecting these 'behemoths'. lmao I look back now and realize just how silly this guy is. I still have fond memories of him though.
Posted By: tim_speights (5/17/2009 3:28:29 PM)


Ah....... Wurms. When are they finally getting a lord :(
My number one favorite creature type back in my noob days..... because what's better to timmy than a creature type that starts at about 5 mana?
Posted By: Dark_Raider (11/14/2009 12:42:21 PM)


The funny thing is there's not really any cards that are strictly better than this. Most of them require more green mana. But with cards like Terastodon, I'm pretty sure it's justified.
Posted By: SleetFox (6/27/2010 12:56:16 PM)


This was magic.

Old Fogey had a point: Although not everyone played 20 Black Lotus' and 20 Plague Rats, the game was a much more simpler game.

Spirit of the Night was one of the most impressive creatures in the game: a 6/5 with protection, haste and first strike when attacking? Man! Watch out!

Dark Ritual was, at the time, a very risky spell to play. Not only was your options to play something limited, but Mana Burn existed, so if you didn't use all 3 of the Black mana, you'd get hurt from it.

Demonic Tutor could tutor for... what? What was the game winners back in the day? Scaled Wurms, perhaps? I don't know: I started around 9th edition

But then, it all changed when the Urza Block came. Decent spells shrivelled. Good creatures became quaintly weak. Demonic Tutor became a huge deal! Dark Ritual could play autocar... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (9/14/2012 7:03:43 AM)



Posted By: Shadoflaam (6/27/2011 7:27:48 AM)


)= flavor text, because if it was really that big, it should be more like, 20/20 lol.
Posted By: redsoxftw (10/15/2011 3:15:18 PM)


That card is...not great...
The art on the other hand is stunning. One of my favs in all of magic. 5/5 (on the art anyway. :p)
Posted By: Stinga (12/24/2012 12:45:46 PM)


I remember picking one of these up for 10c when I first started playing magic back in 1996 or something. A terrible card I would never get out due to the massive mana cost and the fact I had like 87 cards in my deck with not enough land.
Pretty sure I swapped a City of Brass I got in a starter set for a bunch of mediocre creatures as well. Good times.
Posted By: Polycotton (3/13/2013 12:36:40 AM)



Sorry man, your comment is just completely wrong. This card was never anything but bad, and there were extremely powerful things to play long before Urza's block. Necropotence is from the same set as this wurm.
Posted By: metalevolence (3/29/2013 9:40:32 PM)


This was the biggest common creature printed at the time.
Posted By: Technetium (4/30/2013 3:13:27 PM)


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