Incredibly powerful. In EDH, games can be won with this guy. I run it in my Tajic deck and I use it to pull out manlands and wasteland variants. It can also colour fix for me or get something like cavern of souls.
A few activations of this guy and it is very bad for my opponent. Not only did I get some extra cards, I will also potentially be able to hurt their mana base while also stabilizing mine. The manlands will help me activate battalion and keep me going in the late game as something to carry equipment.
Posted By:
(5/22/2014 12:47:26 PM)
So this has synergy with Path to Exile, Knight of the Reliquary, fetchlands and Horizon Canopy. I just so happen to have all of those in my Bant deck. Let me give this a try.
Posted By:
(5/25/2014 10:28:52 AM)