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Community Rating: 3.259 / 5  (54 votes)
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Awkward design. The second ability benefits monocolor, but the third requires GW.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (1/18/2011 11:47:11 PM)


Certainly not as good as Glorious Anthem if you want to pump an army, and not quite as powerful as other library manipulation like Sensei's Divining Top because it costs so much mana to activate, but as something of a hybrid its... passable. I decline to play it though.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/5/2012 8:46:40 PM)


In a ~30 creature Selesnya deck with Aether Vial, this is gold.

In Modern I've seen some people commit a single slot to Crucible of Worlds so they can replay their Ghost Quarter and Horizon Canopies. Well, prepare to board Crucible because this is officially better, main deck.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (9/21/2013 2:52:56 PM)


The only card in the game with artwork by Jen Page.

Also a really good card.

Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 10:48:25 AM)


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