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Community Rating: 1.345 / 5  (55 votes)
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I dont know what you guys are complaining about. This card screams card advantage. This Trokin High Guard has already got Defensive Stance attached to it. Thats two cards for the price and slot of only one! Come on! and it has 2 power, so other white card advantage options look terrible!, I'm looking at you Wall of Omens.
Posted By: Ogrenoodle89 (3/13/2013 11:10:27 AM)


i better be getting a free soda with my vanilla 2/4 for four freaking mana
Posted By: FourEx (3/29/2013 10:08:59 PM)


"You old, immobile clods! If I could stuff your doltish heads with knowledge, I'd do it just so someone else could fully comprehend what your stubbornness has cost me!"
—Bruse Tarl, Goma Fada nomad
Posted By: Ferlord (8/30/2013 1:32:50 PM)


2 guys have swords / 4 have shields = 6
Posted By: Majinkajisan (2/3/2014 8:51:54 PM)


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