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Community Rating: 3.929 / 5  (56 votes)
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if this guy is in your opening hand in a multiplayer game, he'll be nearly always flipped as he enters play. immunity to damage for your creatures for 2W doesn't appear much fairer to me than Erayo, Soratami Ascendant.
Posted By: Mode (12/30/2008 11:12:04 AM)


who plays monored in edh anyways?
Posted By: nope.avi (12/20/2011 3:18:39 PM)


He might not be the best choice ever for White, but I think he makes a pretty nice EDH general. Creatures that don't take damage from turn 3 onward are a major advantage, especially if one of those creatures is Palace Guard.

Posted By: Diachronos (1/28/2011 2:38:39 PM)


Don't pick this guy as an EDH general, it's just lame when you start at 40 life.
Posted By: Sironos (4/12/2011 2:27:37 PM)


This card so broken i'm going to make a red white deck With Deep-Slumber Titan and Spitemare. best ones to use with
Posted By: Huffytreefolkman (6/18/2011 9:25:17 AM)


Banning it might be a bit much, I'd suggest an errata to have it function like Chalice of Life, so in EDH/Archenemy you need 50 life instead of turn-3 pillow fort.
Posted By: DrSakuyaPhD (5/6/2012 4:22:34 PM)


I've seen people commenting about this guy in EDH, and I wanted to give my thoughts. I don't think that this card should be outright banned in EDH. Unless you are lucky, this thing will have a hard time flipping, by the time you draw it. However, I DO think it should be banned as a General. The fact that you will be able to drop this guy and flip him on turn three almost every game is absurd. Even if your opponent is able to destroy him, you can pay 5 and bring him right back. By the time your opponent is able to fetch up more removal, you will have had plenty of time to get the mana to cast him again at his increased cost. All it takes is a hand full of creatures and/or some kind of catch all (like Pariah), and creatures can't touch you. This is probably the second most unfair General that is currently legal. The first spot goes to Zur the Enchanter.
Posted By: divinewind08 (8/1/2012 8:57:13 PM)


Nice card just I think that it really should be written along the lines of "whenever you have health equal to 150% of the amount of health that you started with, flip ". That way, it's not just an instant immortality if you're playing 2hg or something like it where everyone already has 30+ health most of the time
Posted By: Mosstone (10/12/2013 1:09:04 PM)


To all those complaining about how "unfair" this card is in EDH:

Rune-Tail only prevents damage to creatures.

1. He does not prevent creature removal
2. He does not provide any sort of protection to himself and dies to removal
3. He does not help against creatures with trample
4. He does not prevent damage to you
5. He does not prevent loss of life
6. He does not prevent death via mill
7. He does not prevent other "lose the game" effects

That said, he is a strong protective effect that will likely allow you to establish a better board presence. If enchantment removal were not so cheap and accessible to every choice of colours except mono-black, mono-red, and Rakdos colours, then this would be a much stronger effect.

Search gatherer for Rules Text: "Destroy Enchantment" and "Destroy Permanent" and sort by descending community rating. That's how easy it is to remove Rune-Tail in EDH.

Many (if not most) win conditions also bypass Rune-Tail, such as Tendrils of ... (see all)
Posted By: strider24seven (4/16/2014 12:45:54 AM)


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