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Community Rating: 3.396 / 5  (125 votes)
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While I agree it could have a lower rarity, I think it should only be reduced to uncommon. It's more complex than most burn spells, so it shouldn't be common, but it's not special enough to be a rare (imo). Also, at common, it probably would have stepped on limited. Look at flame javelin for instance.

It's still a nice card though. It's really easy to put into multi-coloured decks (which is why it makes sense to be printed in ravnica), and 4 damage for 3 mana is pretty good (if you consider it was well before the lightning bolt reprint).
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/24/2013 9:40:46 AM)


I prefer Psionic Blast for sure; I feel like burn can have a few creatures in the deck, 1 and two drops can double up with a burn card on T3 and net you more value in the long run (as creatures do) while smoothing out shaky hands to reduce mulligans.

It's alright, but it's like Concentrate; way better outside of it's pie.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/25/2013 8:57:47 AM)


Good card, but because of its rarity, people tend to underestimate it. Great card, should have been uncommon.
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (8/1/2013 9:29:38 AM)


Best when played right before a Lightning Helix.
Posted By: Continue (8/7/2013 5:09:35 PM)


@Jackflap: The blue version gets a higher rating because the original version was the blue one... and actually, it's because blue doesn't have burn, so that would be considered a great card for blue.
Posted By: nammertime (1/1/2010 8:40:10 PM)


One of the best flavored burn spells IMO. And its an instant to boot. Thanks for this one wizards.
Posted By: trevathecleva (7/7/2009 12:24:26 AM)


This is a beautiful card and a huge success. A flavorful card that sees tournament play? Huzzah! Ravnica FTW!
In mono red Flame Javelin is better, but then you CAN play eight copies with Char, and Char is splashable.
Posted By: Selez (11/5/2009 10:04:36 PM)


This used to be so good when it was in standard. Not so hot anymore.
Posted By: dberry02 (9/27/2010 5:37:03 AM)


it's one of the highest damage spells at INSTANT speed to creatures OR players, and for only 3cmc. if you're fretting about the 2 dmg then you aren't a red mage
Posted By: BambooNickel (9/18/2009 7:07:40 AM)


@Qazior: It's actually rare to see cards that damage you for no reason at common. Also, it was considered pretty aggresively costed in its time.

That said, I always thought (and still do) this was highly overrated. 3/5 and no more.
Posted By: Shiny_Umbreon (11/3/2010 12:45:04 PM)


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