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Community Rating: 2.557 / 5  (53 votes)
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*Cough-Cough* Anyone consider trample?
How Selesnya stalls like crazy? How those tokens interact with other cards from this block? This card is ridiculous in multi-player. It would've been better for 5 CMC, no doubt. Priveleged Position help protect the creature, if you want something with a lower cost, Canopy Cover works great.
Posted By: Ashamed (6/3/2010 2:31:47 AM)


6 mana for something that only probably bring you closer to winning the game is not worth it. But you can't deny that the effect is awesome.
Posted By: SleetFox (6/7/2010 9:17:59 PM)


It's playable as a one-of in a deck with Sovereigns of Lost Alara.
Posted By: nammertime (7/19/2010 6:13:36 PM)


Was 5 cmc too much to ask for?
Posted By: Stray_Dog (1/29/2011 11:20:57 AM)


somethings wrong with this card
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (5/8/2011 2:07:52 AM)


This card has some awesome synergy with Scion of the Wild. While the aura is expensive, in a Saproling deck cards like Utopia Mycon or Life and Limb make mana generation easier. When Scion attacks, it has flying and then doubles it's power and toughness. Plus, if your using saproling based mana generation, you just gave yourself a huge fresh mana pool. The cost is high, but don't count it out yet.
Posted By: PD2525 (10/20/2011 12:33:37 PM)


The cmc is high, but I am trying this card in my Rith, the Awakener EDH deck because it has good synergy with a lot of other cards in my deck. Just focussing on attaching it to Rith, it can help overcome one of Rith's weaknesses: when the battlefield is lacking many non-land permanents Rith can't produce many tokens. Attaching this to Rith (or another fatty) gives Rith's ability a lot more green on the field e.g. attached to Rith it would produce 6 tokens, then triggering her ability and choosing green gives you 8 more for a total of 14, while without Pollenbright she'd only make one token. With the well known token doublers the difference is even more noticeable i.e. 42 saprolings vs 4.
Expensive sure, but not worth dumping automatically.
Posted By: Wizard-of-the-Toast (1/10/2012 11:51:50 PM)


What are you nuts talking about? This thing has been a staple in Legacy for years! Key part of the "Lollin' Pollen" deck. It's main role is to give the opponent an out when you reveal it to Dark Confidant.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/10/2012 5:00:59 AM)


One hit with a decent size creature enchanted with this doesn't win games, but it does set up some fun possibilities for you with the tokens, and just in block it enables a nice convoke engine. You could set up a very nice Devour system as well. I don't see the 6cmc as a problem here, it is green after all, which along with plenty of mana ramp, also has plenty of anti-flyer spells available to clear a path. Pollenbright Wings is a nice uncommon. 3.5/5
Posted By: BonniePrinceCharlie (6/4/2012 6:13:40 PM)


Why don't you just cheat it in with Aura into Battlefield cards? like them clerics (can't remember name right now, when they die you get an enchantment?

If you build around it i think it is playable
Posted By: Buderus (6/28/2012 6:53:24 AM)


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