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Community Rating: 4.369 / 5  (153 votes)
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sucks how the simic were the only enemy-colour guild that didn't get a really cool uncommon instant
Posted By: Purple_Shrimp (8/6/2011 9:25:52 PM)


@everybody: Trygon Predator is the Simic card that complete the cycle. And not every card of the cycle were instant/sorcery: Watchwolf, for example!

It's quite far from bad, but this better, I think... Versatile, fast and powerful! 5/5
Posted By: leomistico (3/21/2012 11:10:38 AM)


This and MP definately best black green destroy cards. Instant makes a big difference, I run this, and Executioner's capsule as my 8 kill cards in a glissa recycle deck, unless its against black or red, then i sub in witchbane or tragic slip or something. Awesome card
Posted By: Krono5_8666V8 (5/30/2012 9:48:08 AM)


Absolutely perfect BlackGreen spot removal, awesome flavour too.
Posted By: Rikiaz (7/27/2012 4:27:50 PM)


Awesome removal, but I prefer Maelstrom Pulse because it's can target more cards, even if it's a sorcery.

With Abrupt Decay from RtR, Green and Black decks have a nice toolbox of Removal.
Posted By: Anzu-chan (12/26/2012 5:09:37 PM)


In Modern I generally like this card better than Maelstrom Pulse. I generally find that killing man lands to be more important than killing enchantments or planeswalkers (which can be attacked anyway).

The instant speed also makes a huge difference, allowing it to answer swords that are played and equipped on the same turn, where Maelstrom Pulse can't.
Posted By: absreim (10/10/2013 11:24:44 AM)


He chose... poorly
Posted By: Mindbug (1/31/2014 4:33:11 AM)


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