in a multiplayer mach i had out this and 3 bloodtyrants and some dragons and resreucts well i killed 7 players in to turns that defiinded blood bath
Posted By:
(12/7/2010 4:43:17 PM)
All we need is an evasive creature with CMC > 5 that reanimates itself.
Or Nacatl War-Pride and some way to give your creatures haste (see Concordant Crossroads, Fervor, Mass Hysteria, etc.) and make them unblockable without killing your opponents' creatures (see Bedlam, Falter, Naya Charm, Cryptic Command, Veiling Oddity, Sun Quan, Lord of Wu, etc).
Posted By:
(1/6/2012 4:03:58 PM)
What happens if your creature tramples over but then dies.... does the ability not work? Like what if I used ball lightning for example
Posted By:
(4/4/2012 9:53:43 AM)
Seems like this would be fun a turn before an Insurrection...
Posted By:
(6/4/2012 8:30:34 AM)
There was a creature that gave +X/+X to attackers, X being the number of attackers.
The math with that one is kinda hilarious.
Posted By:
(7/20/2012 11:36:11 AM)
How about Hero of Bladehold? Neat after Brave the Elements for a one-turn KO
Posted By:
(8/3/2012 5:15:07 PM)
You'd have a way to reach the opponent, but this + 1 wayfaring temple + 1 token-copy of wayfaring temple would be awesome. It'd be like all the buildings in Selesnya just threw themselves at someone like a horde of lemmings.
Posted By:
(2/1/2013 2:59:00 PM)
Combine with Heart Sliver and Brood Sliver (and at least one other sliver to cast this on initially) for unlimited attacks.
Posted By:
(4/28/2013 12:21:35 AM)
If a creature with first strike/double strike connects with Breath of Fury, can you sac it and attach it to another unblocked creature without first strike before its damage is assigned, getting 2 extra combats?
Posted By:
(5/11/2013 11:14:06 PM)
Giant Adephage.
Posted By:
(7/27/2013 5:39:51 PM)