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Decimates in period. Unless you have protection from red or white, your screwed.
Posted By: vsasntore (7/31/2010 10:43:22 AM)


A neat card when you get better creatures out early, which isn't hard to do in these colors. Essentially saying, "We're staying at early game pace" which is where RedWhite shines.

If you don't want to read my thoughts on others' comments than don't continue reading.

"No protection or anything would stop this. You need to counter the spell if you don't want it. Even player protection enchantments like Leyline of Sanctity won't work, because you (the player) are not being targeted, nor are any creatures.

And that's exactly where this card's strengths lie, against decks that hide behind stuff like that."
Posted By: jfre81 (8/9/2011 11:46:36 AM)

Tajuru Preserver had been out for more than a year and a half at the time of post.

"@DacenOctavio run an all color deck and tap the 2 black 3 red 2 green for violent ultimatum then tape the red and white for this card and the 4 colorless, with that floating in your mana pool play this card first
and after it hits the stack p... (see all)
Posted By: Eved (8/20/2012 6:05:51 AM)


maybe parallax wave.
Posted By: Teotanek (11/8/2010 11:27:10 PM)


There is only one card that I know of in magic that can prevent you from being forced to sac stuff. That card is in Rise of the Eldrazi. There needs to be more sac prevention cards imo.
Posted By: alblast (8/6/2011 10:32:32 AM)


Was playing an EDH game the other night. A guy cast this, which put us all down at 2-3 lands apiece. That sucked, but it wasn't as bad as the next player's turn when he managed to cheat a Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger into play. Double mana for him, and we couldn't even profitably tap the couple of mana we did have...brutal.

Love the card in principle, though. And that art is just amazing.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (11/12/2011 9:47:07 PM)


@DacenOctavio run an all color deck and tap the 2 black 3 red 2 green for violent ultimatum then tape the red and white for this card and the 4 colorless, with that floating in your mana pool play this card first
and after it hits the stack play violent ultimatum on top of it. Bam. Complete annihilation.
Posted By: BorosGeneral (11/16/2011 9:57:44 PM)


my friend runs this in a kaalia of the vast edh deck to great advantage. who needs lands when you can cheat the fattest angels/demons/dragons in to play each turn for free?
Posted By: garabor (12/25/2011 11:59:07 PM)


Oh .. my ... god. This is nuts.
This is how I imagine this being cast

Caster: You get 3 permanents, pick.
Opponent: Wait wtf *reads* ... O_O;
Caster: Hello?
Opponent: I think I peed a little.
Posted By: Ligerman30 (10/28/2013 5:34:39 PM)


You're all thinking too small. Cast this after landing It that Betrays
Posted By: AeroSigma (1/6/2014 4:21:14 PM)


Better yet, have a Sun Titan as one of your three permanents and attack to bring something back........
Posted By: Randy054 (1/17/2014 4:12:50 PM)


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