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@leomistico: I'm 99% sure that wont work... See for you to use the Bazzar Trader, it has to already be on the battlefield. Yes you can use the Trader in respawns to the Swallower's triggered ability, but by then the trigger is already on the stack and you control it. So basicly you gave them everything, inclueding the Swallower...
Posted By: wolfbear2 (2/13/2010 11:18:33 PM)


Has anyone found a way to make this card work or do something other than lose the game?

Well, you could play this and Stifle it's triggered ability when it comes into play. An 8/8 for 6 mana total isn't too bad.
Posted By: shoalsuser2004 (8/17/2009 10:41:00 PM)


Posted By: Paolino (1/13/2012 6:35:25 AM)


Combo with Bazaar Trader: when Sky Swallower comes into play and his ability triggers, you can respond activating the trader's ability, giving Sky Swallower to the opponent, so you can gain all his/her permanents, exept the swallower. Then you Into the Roil it...

Edit: You're right, wolfbear2, I realize my error some days after my first post...! It's completely useless in this way... My bad!
Posted By: leomistico (2/18/2010 11:11:22 AM)


To play this card proberly you play armagenden right after it so your oppenitent has no lands have 2 lotuc blooms suspened so next turn you will have this and have at least 4 Bronze Bombshells on your side of the field to make this devasting.
Posted By: Ace8792 (11/25/2009 5:44:41 AM)


Can anyone tell me if I have Phage the untouchable on the field, Will playing this kill my opponent?
Posted By: Mana (11/4/2009 9:25:47 PM)


Has anyone found a way to make this card work or do something other than lose the game?
Posted By: neruka (12/12/2008 5:17:04 PM)


It's a 5 cmc creature, not 6, but having said that.. this card is completely not worth it. Even if they only get some of your lands it will set you back all game, and all they have to do is maelstrom pulse/doomblade this thing and its over. It also doesn't say "as long as sky swallower" stays in play, there's no way to get your stuff back without playing the cards listed by other posters here, and having to add extra cards to your deck just for the chance of playing this one seems like a huge draw back. I'd rather play terra stomper, or the better simic skyswallower, and replace those extra cards with great removal spells.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/27/2009 10:38:02 PM)


Float 4WWUU, sacrifice your creatures with Nantuko Husk and your lands with Zuran Orb or something, play Sky Swallower, then play Second Sunrise to get your creatures and lands back.
Posted By: syrazemyla (6/28/2010 6:46:16 PM)


You could throw it under a summoner's egg and hand it to your opponents with the Bazaar Trader. Merry Christmas.
And no, Phage won't kill your opponent if you hand her to them with this.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/14/2010 10:21:26 AM)


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