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It says right in the rulings, under details

"Protection from instants works only while Petrified Wood-Kin is on the battlefield. It can be targeted by instant spells or abilities of instant cards while it's on the stack or in any other zone but on the battlefield."

Like you know, all protection works? Uncounterable because of that? What the heck is wrong with you guys?
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (8/26/2011 7:33:44 PM)


i don't know how exactly this ability is written down in the rules database, but compared to other cards with the bloodthirst ability, this one differs from the others.
normally, with a fixed number, the ability reads:
Bloodthirst (number): Creature gets (number) counters if opponent took any damage.
in this case, with the unspecified number X, it's:
Bloodthirst X: Creature gets (number) counters if opponent took (number) damage
Posted By: Mode (1/5/2009 6:11:11 PM)


its funny, when i saw this all minimized in the gatherer, i knew from first sight it was a kev walker. damn i love his art style. plus cool card
Posted By: Omenchild (12/23/2009 2:55:24 PM)



"Sorry but he is NOT UNCOUNTERABLE."

"Petrified Wood-kin can't be countered."

Posted By: nemokara (4/3/2011 9:01:59 AM)


Since people don't seem to like writing down combos for him...
Doubling Season
Gotta figure out how you can use that bloodthirst...

Well, his only one G makes him pretty versatile when it comes to colors
Bramblewood Paragon is a nice bonus.
Posted By: Psuedonaut (4/5/2011 3:26:44 AM)


It's one of the few creatures with nothing to fear from Ghostfire.
Posted By: Haliax (6/25/2011 8:40:18 PM)



His bloodthirst should work in that scenario as it doesn't require a target. Damage was dealt to an opponent so he gets counters.


He's not uncounterable because of protection, he's uncounterable because of his first ability which states, "Petrified Wood-kin can't be countered."

All in all though, nice card.
Posted By: Son_Of_Khaine (5/28/2011 11:04:10 AM)


This is my favorite bloodthirst card
Posted By: thaviel (3/11/2009 8:43:22 PM)


I sorry to pee on your parade Green, but you know what Blue says to this?

Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/3/2011 10:40:03 PM)


Sorry but he is NOT UNCOUNTERABLE. As the rulings say his protection only works when he is on the battlefield and as long as he is on the stack it does nothing. So he's not a blue mage's nightmare...

EDIT: Wow I completely missed the first line. Fail...
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (4/3/2011 9:48:06 AM)


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