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Community Rating: 4.185 / 5  (162 votes)
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wait why is this banned.
Posted By: dragonking987 (4/20/2011 6:02:55 PM)


Best card ever. Or at least most silly.
Posted By: dingophone (11/22/2011 7:53:07 PM)


Mah deck.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (12/27/2011 5:52:35 PM)


Rulings: Events in a Shahrazad sub-game do not normally trigger abilities in the main game. And continuous effects in the main game do not carry over into the sub-game.

I am curious to know, which card will affect the main game now. They used the word "normally", so its got to be something. An unhinged card maybe?
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/12/2013 12:31:06 PM)


How is this card rated so highly? It's a crap card with awful design that's purely intent on annoying people and isn't fun to play against, but I guess in some sort of twisted (trollish) way, it could be fun to play (for about exactly one time). The reward for winning the sub-game isn't even very powerful. Is it really rated highly just because it's freaking weird? Or maybe it being "banned in Vintage" has given some people the idea that, even if they don't see it, it must be an uber-broken card in some way, shape, or form (hint: it's not; it's banned in Vintage because it's a ridiculous card). I mean, admittedly the flavor of the card is pretty cool, but that shouldn't warrant such high ratings alone.

Obligatory link to Hive Mind.
Posted By: DeaTh-ShiNoBi (7/13/2013 12:38:34 AM)


I only met one person who was crazy enough to run a deck that infinitely recurs Shahrazad in EDH (before it got banned). He's now under our local shop's floorboards.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (7/17/2013 10:23:16 PM)


What would really be fun? Twincasting an opponent's Shahrazad. Especially if there is a Hive Mind in play, you're playing multiplayer, or (for pure awesomeness) both.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/22/2010 4:40:40 AM)


This was actually a fairly fun card for early white weenie. Nothing like facing off with an opponent with a deck full of power nine, having him fireball/otherwise work you down to little to no life, and then use Shahrazad. For extra fun, mirror universe them if you lose.
Posted By: The_Grand_Artificer (7/7/2010 5:46:11 AM)


I am so making an uyo, silent prophet edh deck with this is in. I want to copy it like 5 times. I wonder tho, if the spells would stay on the stack during all of the shahrazad game (if the game is part of the resolution, so the next spells don't resolve if they're done) or if you'd have a bunch of game within a game within a game situations.
Posted By: channelblaze (9/5/2010 3:56:25 PM)


kontanshikaku, your friend's idea doesn't work. Don't feel bad about not realizing it, though. You are just one of many who have invoked the Isochron Scepter in card comments sections without knowing what it actually does.
Posted By: troublestarts (12/9/2010 7:07:42 AM)


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