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Years ago, my brother and I proxied a pair of decks that each had 4 of these silly things in them and then played against each other. We managed to get 7 games deep before successfully completing a sub-game before another Shaharazaad went off. Now, sure, that was back when Magic was only a few years old, but still... wow... this card shoudn't be allowed in any real format.
Posted By: Radagast (12/17/2010 2:04:08 PM)


Anyone else notice the change made by exiled? Peviously this card used to wreck by using crypts and other cards to RFG (old school) your opponent's cards so they wouldn't have anything to play with. Now that strategy is no longer valid (and not so fun).

This card cannot be unbanned because it abuses the format of a tournament. If the player can't win the player attemped to use this card to intentially go to time.
Posted By: SentByHim (8/13/2011 6:27:33 PM)


Shahrazad + Research + Panoptic Mirror + Burning Wish + Hive Mind + Chandra, the Firebrand + Djinn Illuminatus + Echo Mage + Fork + Izzet Guildmage + Mirari + Mischievous Quanar + Pyromancer Ascension + Reiterate + Reverberate + Twincast + Wild Ricochet + Riku of Two Reflections + Disentomb + All Suns' Dawn + Bound + Call to Mind + Déjà Vu + Elven Cache + Eternal Witness + Ill-Gotten Gains + Izzet Chronarch + Mnemonic Wall + aut... (see all)
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (9/20/2011 12:45:27 PM)


The Inception of Magic cards!
(especially if you do what JWalks82 suggests)
Posted By: brockdjwest (11/17/2011 4:00:28 PM)


This is not legal in commander people. The Gatherer doesn't have the official commander bannings. Check the actual Commander website for the true list.
Posted By: swords_to_exile (5/20/2012 9:18:00 PM)


Posted By: Subtle_Kay (6/27/2012 12:49:13 PM)


@darthparallax it would break tournament play. You could end up playing twelve games in a single round with this out, more if there is something like panoptic mirror out.
EDIT: I did the math, you can actually, without replicate or Mirror or other nonsense, fifteen rounds in a tournament style match. If you run a panoptic mirror (or Four) you've got about infinite subgames. Seriously. Your opponent would probably rage-quit.
Posted By: atemu1234 (11/17/2012 5:08:55 PM)


I've always wanted to use this with djinn illuminatus and infinite mana (perhaps from myr). "We will play thirty thousand more games. Oh, whats that? You don't have a century to spend playing magic with me? Well I guess you forfeit then." :3
Posted By: Stinga (12/1/2012 12:35:38 AM)


So, just wondering: Am I allowed to resign the subgame? If so, it doesn't seem as banworthy in vintage as everyone makes out. Its strictly worse than {W}{W}: Your opponent halves their life, rounded up, which, by vintage status, isn't even that bad. If you can't resign the subgame, you make a ruling that you can, and unban it in vintage. Simple.
Posted By: TheKazu (1/5/2013 5:50:25 PM)


Shahrazad, enter subgame, cast Burning Wish to get the Shahrazad off the stack from the real game.
Posted By: SereneChaos (1/28/2013 6:21:17 AM)


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