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Legal in Commander!
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/5/2013 3:50:39 PM)


We heard you liked Magic, so we put some Magic in your Magic. Now you can play Magic whenever you play Magic!!
Posted By: abrodock (2/8/2013 3:10:38 PM)


If used in commander, can you still use your commander in the subgame? If so, what if your commander is in play during the main game?
Posted By: GrayWizard (2/24/2013 3:17:57 PM)


Yo dawg, I heard you like Magic, so we made a mini Magic game inside a Magic Card.
Posted By: Claytoon (3/7/2013 11:27:08 AM)


It's banned (as explained in an article I can't locate at the moment) because of logistical restrictions (time and space) in tournaments.

I would troll my friends with this all day if it weren' t so expensive :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/20/2013 12:20:59 PM)


Extra errata: Whenever you play this, all other players may punch you in the face.
Posted By: BigBer (3/21/2013 2:58:35 AM)


Please explain to me what playing a game of Magic within a game of Magic was supposed to do for the player that cast this spell? What was the goal of doing such?
Posted By: GhostCounselor (3/22/2013 9:06:12 PM)


Use Elixir of Immortality to put it back into your library before it resolves and the subgame begins, ensuring that it's available to you inside the subgame as well. This will also ensure that you have your entire library, while (as you go deeper) your opponent will have less and less to work with and eventually have to start conceding.

I wonder how it interacts with Time Machine?
Posted By: Aquillion (3/26/2013 10:58:37 PM)


does anyone realise that on the card it says that the player who loses loses half their remaining life points rounding *down* yet on the magic de***ion it says rounding *up*. That's a fail magic

No, the card says the player's life total is halved rounded down. So if you take half of 15 you get 7.5, rounded down is 7.

The oracle text says the player loses half rounded up. So if you lose half of 15 that's 7.5, rounded up is 8, 15-8=7.

The wording is functionally equivalent.
Posted By: Mooby (4/13/2013 9:36:28 PM)


Posted By: Secksee (4/15/2013 5:37:34 PM)


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