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Community Rating: 3.794 / 5  (189 votes)
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honestly, you all are focused to much on what the card looks like and not what it can do. I run four in my vampire deck. all you have to do is run a bunch of weenies like pulse tracker and gruul draz vampire and the lacerator, and then turn three play the captivating it makes them stronger and anything they play that makes a big threat take it, i beat my friends white weenie deck all the time with this. because he will play baneslayer and i'll be like ok cool now i get a 5/5 angel vampire hybrid badass turn ur opponents strongest creatures against them. its a lot faster and more useful the the roil elemental. im just saying.
Posted By: stevieg91rules (8/14/2010 11:57:46 AM)


When will Eric Deschamps get over the fact that vampires do not sparkle and that Edward Cullen and all that other Twilight sh*t does not belong in Magic
Posted By: made4ipod (2/17/2011 10:25:34 AM)


Anyone else think he resembles Crispin Glover?
Posted By: babaker (3/24/2011 6:50:21 PM)


@Lord_of_Omnipotence: Indeed.

With the child molester art, and people complaining about vampires in popular culture, and people complaining about his second ability which is just as inconsequential as Lionheart Maverick's second ability, and the unfavorable comparisons to Vampiure Nocturnus, this is one of the cards where its Gatherer rating does not do it justice. It's not even so overpowered in a way that deserves hate like Jace, the Mind Sculptor or Baneslayer Angel.
Posted By: Axelle (7/25/2011 9:52:27 AM)


Great, Edward Cullen just replaced Vampire Nocturnus in standard. And yet he's still a better card than Bloodlord of Vaasgoth.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/1/2011 4:19:10 PM)


I'd actually suggest this is a fantastic card - there's plenty of cheap vampires out there that can be irritating to face (Blood Seeker, Pulse Tracker) and it combos perfectly with Quest for Renewal. Great fun in casual.
Posted By: Apollo_8089 (4/27/2012 6:54:13 AM)


I'm a just kid that plays MTG, so this is the kind of artwork that scares me. Seriously, what's he about to do with that hand? I think I know, for one...

That being said, I find it to be a pretty good card (although, seeing that I'm a kid, and a very casual player, that probably doesn't mean nil). Also, stop comparing it to Vampire Nocturnus, because they are definitely not the same. Last I checked, one of them is a $17 mythic rare, while the other is a $2 rare that looks like some sort of child molester.

"Hey, kid. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Pants are optional."
- This guy
Posted By: mrd8888 (10/2/2010 2:42:55 PM)


Hahaha, I thought to myself when I saw the visual spoiler for this card that I wouldn't even play it because of the art, yeah it's that bad. Not only that, It's just not that impressive, the 3 drop spot in your vampire deck should already be taken by Vampire Nighthawk and/or Gatekeeper of Malakir. On the bright side, at least a casual player like myself can pick up a Vampire Nocturnus or two now.
Posted By: Revelation666 (7/14/2010 11:37:12 PM)


Look, *I'm* gay, and the art on this card is too gay for me.

okay, also, hilarious story: so I'm playing Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012, and I got a nice deck going with the Eldrazi octopus girl. I go into multiplayer and face off against a Jace, another Octo-girl, and Sorin's vampire deck. We trade shots, etc, I race her mana out and Sorin plays this guy. I look at my hand, and realize I can cast Right of Replication for its kicker cost. I play it, instantly have 5 7/7s with flying and tap them all to take the original Captivating vampire. The other Octo-girl just flat left. Jace's turn came up, and then he left. Sorin's player looks at his hand, plays a Child of Night, then says "..." and leaves too.

Then I died to the AI that replaced them, as they all ganged up on me. Still, nothing could have ever made me respect this card more than that.
Posted By: caldur06 (3/8/2012 2:21:10 PM)


Absolutely terrible art. When you think "Captivating Vampire", the first thing that comes to mind is a beautiful vampire lady, a seductress. On the more masculine side of things, you think of a vampire along the lines of Sorin Markov, charming and aristocratic. The art on this card is neither of those things - it looks Severus fuckdamn Snape crossed with an emo kid who hasn't washed his hair in months.

Just awful. I wouldn't play this outside of a draft/sealed where for some reason I ended up with this guy and a bunch of vamps and nothing else useful.
Posted By: Azazyel (7/9/2010 1:31:37 AM)


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