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Atomic-level bomb in limited.
Posted By: The_Hittite (4/26/2014 4:14:38 PM)


What a load of bull.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (4/30/2014 10:33:19 AM)


Ignorant question:
Opponent has an active Thassa blocking and I take it with this, but I don't have the devotion to keep it a creature. Does the Thassa become an enchantment, then go back to opponent and become active again for opponent?
Posted By: hoser3 (5/12/2014 11:38:27 AM)


Like all Act of Treason effects, it can be used to steal Inspired triggers. I won a game by stealing a King Macar, the Gold-Cursed with it and using his inspired trigger to exile my opponent's last blocker.

Also, I say Act of Treason effect instead of the more common Threaten effect because Threaten can't do this. With Threaten, the creature untaps before you gain control of it, giving your opponent the inspired trigger.
Posted By: EyeballFrog (5/17/2014 4:11:41 PM)


Well this is a sorcery, so you can't cast it during blockers. Unless you meant Thasia was untapped to block, then yes taking it would turn it into an enchantment on your side, and then when your turn ended it would end up back as a creature for your opponent (assuming they still had 5 devotion).
Posted By: myztikrice (5/18/2014 3:21:27 AM)


Great card. Don't pass it in draft. I got passed two in a triple Nyx draft.... needless to say I won. From stealing two creatures multiple times to win games, to stealing a tapped King Macar, the Gold-Cursed and having it Gild itself, this card is a bomb.
Posted By: Gishra (5/23/2014 8:46:14 PM)


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