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Community Rating: 3.971 / 5  (85 votes)
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I'm going to run this in my Myr deck with Artificial Evolution. Take that, "spend this mana only on colorless spells/abilities" restriction!

P.S. @FelixCarter: I'm imagining those floating platforms to be about 100ft x 100ft in size.
Posted By: Ragamander (12/25/2011 7:09:31 PM)


I gotta side with FelixCarter, as a hardcore Casual/EDH player, I absolutely HATE having to toss even $3 on a single card, just because people in some format or another went crazy-gaga over it. But to be honest, most of the local card shops I can get to don't even carry 4 Jaces, I've found a lot of cards to be sold out (a good few just being dollar-rares the store never really wanted to buy). My close friend went to at least 4 different card-shops only to find Momir Vig sold out in each of them.

To be honest though, the real reason I'm here to complain about how crappy this card really is - at least to me. I saw my friend use it in a deck, and he took it out, so I figured I'd give it a spin - after all, I really like the 0/1 mana-babies, so why not give them a try? So, imagine the look on my face when I saw the word COLORLESS. Really guys, you gotta play a man like that? The drones already suffer from being only in three colors, lacking any real abilities besides pooping babies, and... (see all)
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (2/3/2012 12:24:50 AM)


You are all full of dumb. :p

It's rare because limited would suck if Sol Ring was uncommon. Even with the colorless restriction, there were those two Eldrazi at common that were good.

It's also, in Constructed, actually a junk rare because you can't make an All-Colorless deck, unless you are doing so on the backs of Posts. In which case you still don't need this.

Vorthos loves it, Spike doesn't cuz he's got even better (like Elves). Makes casual Timmies happy. Johnny would rather abuse Eye of Ugin because that card is more interesting, regardless of whether this one is stronger or not.

It's not a bad card, it belongs exactly at Rare, and its real power level is a good bit weaker in 'the real world' than in limited.

Rillaan, Jace the Mind Sculptor is STILL hard to obtain. And he's BANNED IN EVERTYTHING. Epic fail attempting to tell people getting Jace was easy. Though, I actually do believe that Pats Games had cheap Baneslayers, even when they were a little hotter. Baneslayer simp... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/28/2012 10:56:53 PM)


Right on felix! There is duels of the planeswalkers and Magic the Gathering Online, DPA format which is tailored for casual players.

I like playing MTGO Standard, because the "junk pile" of cards, which contains rares, will sell as low as 5 cents a card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/16/2012 4:01:53 AM)


If only it worked with changelings...
Posted By: TPmanW (2/21/2013 10:13:38 AM)


While not a horrible card there are so many other ways to get mana quickly that it's not worth using, better off with Tron or Elves or just skipping all of that and cheating your Eldrazi into play, 3/5...
Posted By: ZimmerRemmiz (3/3/2013 6:39:39 PM)


Mycosynth Lattice and changelings.
Posted By: MattLynn (4/13/2013 5:21:25 AM)


Eh, it's kind of boring for a rare, that's the thing. Maybe if it was 3 Elcolourless mana? Would've cost much more money I suppose...

Maybe 'Tap, sacrifice an Eldrazi: put an Eldrazi Spawn into play'? Would've been strange but definitely useful for combat tricks.
Posted By: psychichobo (4/27/2013 4:33:04 PM)



You are complaining about the art? I have it as a backround for my computer, and on the forth to last "step" there are two (assumed) human figures.
Posted By: Belgarath123 (1/28/2014 9:45:00 AM)


it's like eye of ugin, but different
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/30/2014 10:56:31 AM)


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