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Hideously limited in its applications. You could use Moonlace if you hated Emrakul that much.
Posted By: Auteur (8/21/2010 10:21:51 PM)


I don't know if anyone reading this was aware of this when this happened, but if I recall correctly there was a Power Rangers controversy over this card, which ended with many sad children as the Rangers could not take the case to court. It may have been a dream, but I remember it pretty vividly. In any case, Power Rangers season 2, you will not be forgotten.
Posted By: NuckChorris (6/27/2011 1:07:27 PM)


♪ Do the Carebears countdown! ♫
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (2/8/2011 12:08:08 PM)


Does a colorless spell produce a colorless permanent?
Posted By: tavaritz (6/5/2011 3:46:36 AM)


You know when I read this card's flavour text way back when, I thought that the answer was "mana". To this day, I still don't know if that's the correct answer to this "riddle".

I think the answer is... Ersatz Gnomes.

It could be Naked Singularity, but it goes the other way around (from sea to jungle, not from jungle to sea).
Posted By: will_dice (9/10/2011 11:27:19 AM)


The answer IS the pentagram of colors. That simple.
Posted By: atemu1234 (6/29/2012 11:45:57 AM)


@LordRandomness: No.
Posted By: Aburaishi (10/9/2012 7:55:46 PM)


Question: Could this guy make a Reality Strobe colorless as it comes out of suspension?
Posted By: elhajjaj (9/15/2013 11:40:49 AM)


Re: elhajjaj's question about targeting Reality Strobe with this when it unsuspends, the answer is "sort of."

A card coming out of suspension is cast as if it were played from your hand, so it goes on the stack and can be targeted with effects like this, making it colorless.

The catch is that when it re-suspends itself, it's moving itself to a different zone, which means its "history" is erased and it stops being colorless. So you can make one casting of it colorless, but it won't be colorless the next time it goes off.
Posted By: Aquillion (9/28/2013 2:58:45 PM)


That artwork suggests anything but colorless.

Unless that's supposed to show that the mage casts a multicolored spell on the gnomes, of which each one filters a particular color of the spell and spits its mana out in a mostly colorless light. Or something around those lines.
Posted By: Mode (10/10/2013 12:33:13 AM)


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