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Community Rating: 3.025 / 5  (60 votes)
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I love the Text for this card. I even bought a Transformer that seems to be inspired by this card (and its 15 or so "cousins").

But does anyone other than me wish there was new/different art for Darksteel Gargoyle?
Posted By: Cybertronian (11/13/2013 1:16:42 PM)


In general, people just pay way, WAY too much attention to cmc/pt ratios on creatures, and that blinds them to how useful these "bad" creatures can be. Darksteel Gargoyle is much better than people think it is. First of all, since it is indestructible, its toughness is basically infinity in most cases. Second of all, YES it dies to CERTAIN TYPES OF REMOVAL but some players DON'T USE THOSE TYPES. This survives almost all of green's removal cards (Plummet, Beast Within, Naturalize, Krosan Grip, etc.), a lot of black's removal cards ("destroy" effects), and just about every single red removal card (except for Apocalypse and Worldfire of course). This gargoyle is a LOT less wimpy than people make it out to be. It's basically a Dawn Elemental that doesn't die to Plummet or black destroy effects and can be used in any color (though it costs three more). There are bett... (see all)
Posted By: OlvynChuru (6/1/2014 2:28:44 PM)


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