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Community Rating: 3.529 / 5  (70 votes)
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Versatile, either get rid of something of yours for emergency life, or choose an opportune moment to force an opponent to sacrifice an otherwise indestructible or hexproof creature. It'll be an important sideboard card against certain decks I'm sure.
Posted By: HowardTreesong (3/3/2013 3:08:35 AM)


Instant speed. That is exceptionally versatile in the right deck. I play it in Black/Blue control/mill and it works wonders as cheap, splashable removal that can knock out a lonesome creature before they play another one and stop me. The lifegain shouldn't be a trouble if this thing can get you the upper hand.
Posted By: Splizer (3/10/2013 5:56:31 PM)


@Odee: Just remember to cast Skullcrack before they sacrifice their creature. Once Devour Flesh starts to Resolve, it's too late to stop the life gain.

This card is better than people give it credit for. With Diabolic Edict, they're just going to sac their worst creature. With the life gain clause, they're more likely to sac a better creature than they normally would. Naturally, this doesn't make a difference if they only have one creature. 4 stars

@Myztikrice: Yes, they ARE. Lifegain CAN motivate someone to sac a better creature, regardless of the imminence of their death. It's not as though I said they'd definitely sacrifice a better creature, just more likely. It depends on the deck you're playing against and how attached they are to their creatures. You seem to be very attached to your creatures.

@Lifegainwithbite: Assuming board stat is more important is a mistake, and make sweeping general statements as su... (see all)
Posted By: greatspearman (8/12/2013 9:30:19 AM)


Mono black or dual colour decks can easily run Geth's Verdict. I play Esper decks so this is the better card for Esper due to having 3 colours and needing the mana costing cost to be appropriate so I can reliably cast this turn 2.

Yes, Diabolic Edict is a better card, but it's not modern.

There is no point in comparing modern cards to vintage cards... It makes no sense and I don't understand why so many people here feel like they should. It is so irrelevant when evaluating a card.

Do you compare modern draw spells to Ancestral Recall? No, because that would be stupid.
Posted By: Zylo- (9/1/2013 7:12:54 PM)


Might make an interesting removal choice for Black Infect decks. Let your opponents gain all the life they damn well please.
Posted By: Kestrelio (9/7/2013 1:40:24 PM)


Use with Erebos, God of the Dead. Downside... what downside?
Posted By: Sucal (9/24/2013 5:46:30 AM)


Mono-black is running this over Doom Blade right now and it's easy to see why. This stops or at least hinders an on-curve Pack Rats and, more importantly, can kill black creatures. Quite good for a common at least, and that second ability is pretty useful to gain life in a pinch as well.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (2/11/2014 8:56:00 PM)


looks like that guy from far cry 3
Posted By: ecthemage (3/18/2014 10:57:10 AM)


Well... since I can't do anything to your True-Name nemesis, i'll force you to eat it yourself.
Posted By: DmitryM (4/4/2014 8:45:05 PM)


Situationally better than Diabolic Edict. The situation : You have Rain of Gore on the battlefield. Then the card reads "Target player sacrifices a creature, then LOSES life equal to that creature's toughness."
Posted By: Luchian-D (6/8/2014 8:51:06 PM)


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