Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn
Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Feitiço Lendário
Card Text:
(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)
O jogador alvo joga um turno extra após este turno. Devolva até uma permanente alvo que não seja um terreno para a mão de seu dono. Exile Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn.
Flavor Text:
Séculos atrás, uma busca pelo controle do tempo transformou-se numa espiral rumo ao caos.
Card Number:
Portuguese (Brazil)
4/27/2018 If the target player or target nonland permanent is an illegal target as Karn's Temporal Sundering resolves, the other target is affected as normal and Karn's Temporal Sundering is exiled. If both targets are illegal, Karn's Temporal Sundering doesn't resolve and isn't exiled.
4/27/2018 You can't cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won't affect that spell.
4/27/2018 Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name).
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