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He wields a Chainsword with dignity.
Posted By: darkfury (12/19/2009 1:38:56 PM)


He is a great card in a burn deck, just wish he had higher defense or first strike
Posted By: KamahlisKhool (12/15/2008 6:17:07 PM)


i wish he was at least a 5/2, that 1 toughness always sucked for this card and i always loved kamahl. He is my favorite character.
Posted By: FugimSky (7/1/2009 2:36:04 PM)


his tap ability is basically a first strike ability, just not a 6 power first strike, which would have been ridiculous. Giving him one more toughness wouldn't have made him that much more survivable either
Posted By: OutlawD1 (9/11/2009 6:34:03 AM)


Seriously you don't need first strike with him just keep pinging them for 3, woried about the 1 toughness give him shroud and keep pinging for three, 3 damage is enough to take out a lot of creatures but if it's not give him death touch with gorgon flail or some thing or if you want to keep using his impresive power use giant strength, he will be an 8/3
Posted By: Xarule (10/8/2009 7:13:32 AM)


2/5: decent card, not quite as tough as Storm Crow or Squire.
Posted By: switchblade44 (2/16/2011 8:13:48 PM)


Has anyone noticed that this dude is the mirror image of Arcanis the Omnipotent? They each have 6 CMC, both of them tap for a boon, their added P/T is 7, Kamahl has an intensely aggro ability in haste while Arcanis has a reactive one in his bounce. Arcanis' flavor text even references a history in the pit. - Universe34

Also, they both are have tap abilities which reflect the boon of their color, as in this guy is Lightning Bolt on a stick, while Arcanis the Omnipotent is reusable Ancestral Recall.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/9/2012 12:51:04 PM)


Really quite fun as an EDH General/Commander. He's guaranteed to get general damage through, and the 1 toughness is actually less of an issue, since everyone goes for high power removal like Vindicate rather than Lightning Bolt. He can take out blockers or do damage with the tap, and if you've got an open opponent, he's a beast.
Posted By: TechpriestBravo (6/25/2011 3:52:22 PM)


I wish he had First strike like his sister.
Posted By: Etregan (5/22/2009 1:38:33 AM)


Guaranteed to smack something in the mouth for 3 damage. If he sticks around, he can really bring the wrath.
Posted By: Soul_Shackle (7/21/2009 7:04:58 PM)


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