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Community Rating: 4.389 / 5  (262 votes)
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Pro-tip: the more cards you draw, the higher chance you have of winning.

Factor in the fact that blue is all about counter and countrol, trading card-for-card against your opponent and those three extra cards suddenly become game changing. Not to mention that blue is naturally a slow, reactive, and defensive archetype so stalling until you have enough mana for Arcanis should have been pre-built into most Control decks anyway. More importantly, I usually would never tap-out and throw Arcanis out there without protection.

The only real downside to Arcanis is it cost 4-mana to bounce him back to safety. Not to mention since combat damage doesn't stack like it did in onslaught, the effect loses some of its versatility. Even after you save Arcanis, you have to sink another 6-mana to drop him again and wait another turn before you can start tapping for cards, which drastically slows down the tempo if you are trying to come from behind or racing a tight clock. If his ability cost UU instead... (see all)
Posted By: Hermeezey (8/26/2012 5:20:12 AM)



That combo doesn't work. Library of Leng makes effects that force you to discard put those cards to the top of the library. The discard aspect of Mind Over Matter is a cost and is therefore unaffected.

Of course, Arcanis and MoM together is semi infinite draw, and the only reason it's semi infinite is because of deck size. Include one elixir of immortality and suddenly you've got an infinite life, infinite draw, infinite mana combo.

I feel sorry for whatever unsuspecting player tries to remove Arcanis from play.

Player A: I cast doom blade, targeting Arcanis
Player B: In response.....
Posted By: Majora_13 (2/18/2013 4:42:18 PM)


Even though I've never had the chance of using him, this guy is one of my favorite cards. Simply for flavor, mechanics, and especially the art. 5/5 in my book.

On a side note, facing off against this guy in the pits would seem pretty unfair.

UPDATE: Love this guy so much, I made my first EDH deck around him. It's amazing so far. Also even though it has a win ratio of 4-0, I've never actually killed a player with it. It controls so hard, most people just concede before I even touch them. And it's all thanks to this fella. Arcanis is such a boss.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (3/2/2013 12:35:05 AM)


This card is amazing. Training grounds causes his bounce to be UU. Illusionist Bracers? Draw 6. Mind Over Matter + Tamiyo + Acanis = Infinite control. 5/5.
Posted By: Jackzorz (3/5/2013 2:27:04 PM)


Favorite Creature. Period.
Posted By: ALONSO666 (3/5/2010 9:16:03 PM)


Mana intensive, but he can be an Ancestral Recall each turn. Plus, his name is cool, even if "Arcanis" is open to unfortunate nicknames.
Posted By: Kirbster (7/11/2010 5:36:52 PM)


He recalls your ancestors.
Posted By: jhjohns (1/2/2012 2:28:29 AM)


This card is good in every way imaginable; gives you extra cards every turn, combos with other cards like Sages of the Anima and Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, and can bounce itself before it gets killed. Arcanis is also good in a variety of formats, from standard to EDH.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/20/2009 7:48:12 PM)


5/5 just for the fact that Arcanis' flavor text indicates HE'S A *** CAGE FIGHTER.

You know…and for the fact that he's really well-designed.
Posted By: bfugitive (5/10/2011 7:32:16 AM)


I liked the original flavor text. I still love this cad though! Freaking epic!
Posted By: Rafucer (5/13/2009 10:58:04 PM)


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