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Community Rating: 4.389 / 5  (262 votes)
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A walking, reusable Ancestral Recall that can bounce him/herself when in trouble! Definitely a 5 out of 5! Card drawing is one of the most powerful effects in this game.
Posted By: Plantboy81 (9/8/2009 1:01:30 PM)


The Crab Umbra seems like another good card to use with Arcanis. Not that it's hard to find cards that are good to use with Arcanis. Almost any "untap target creature" effect will break this guy.

And to top it all of, Arcanis is perfectly useable by himself.
Posted By: Tiggurix (6/12/2010 6:02:11 AM)


Love the card, love the art, love the ability but its just slightly expensive. His mana cost is well worth it for his ability.
Posted By: Demonic_Math_Tutor (1/14/2011 8:12:38 PM)


Amongst many many things I want to abuse with Necrotic Ooze
Posted By: SeiberTross (5/4/2011 10:16:35 PM)


Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter enables some amazing plays.

You can draw as many cards as you want, discard to tap down the opponent, tap your lands for mana repeatedly (again by discarding excess cards), and then play any spells you want. A single Simian Spirit Guide powers a lethal Banefire, a High Tide powers a lethal Braingeyser.
Posted By: Salient (8/25/2011 3:45:54 PM)


Arcanis+Reliquary Tower or Spellbook+anything that lets you untap Arcanis=Easy win
Posted By: MrPink343 (10/1/2009 12:14:08 PM)


I bet this guy hate philosophy majors.
"So if you're really omnipotent, how can any of us have free will? How can YOU have free will?"
"Well, that's up for deb-"
"And is your knowledge limited to one train of possibilites, or all of them? One universe? If so, it may, in fact, be finite, not infinite. Therefore, it might just be great potence, not omnipotence."
"You see, that-"
"And you didn't state if you were omnipresent. Without omnipresence, omnipotence is all the more suspect. Not impossible, but certainly more implausible."
"Look, I picked the name because it sounds cool, okay? Just take your cards and go."
Posted By: DoctorKenneth (11/21/2009 9:38:37 AM)


this guy is SO much cooler than jace. they should've made this guy the planeswalker.

undoubtedly my favorite blue card.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/17/2011 1:36:31 PM)


at least they gave him decent p/t all the other wizards are like 1/1 or 1/2... i like the idea of using him with Minamo, School at Water's Edge
Posted By: thelittleupsman (8/25/2009 4:26:34 PM)


So prettey! and so damn cool is arcanis. 5 out of 5
Posted By: jumpenrun (11/27/2009 4:49:29 AM)


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