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My friend has him, it is absolutely RIDONCULOUS!!! Incredibly powerful if you have an answer to removal...oh wait, this guy has a built in answer!!!!!! If it was printed today, it would be mythic rare, hands down

Posted By: Superllama12 (3/4/2011 5:08:53 PM)


Barrin ain't got sh*t on Arcanis.
Posted By: iamludo (9/10/2011 6:54:39 PM)


Just another reason why all other colors are playing for 2nd compared to blue. An Ancestral Recall with legs and a bounce ability. Try him with cards like Murkfiend Liege and, yes, Archmage Ascension is pretty unfair, too.
Posted By: mrbgddy (8/26/2010 6:57:22 AM)


How cool is tapping to draw three? Ancestral Recall every turn is a 5 out of 5, for sure!
Posted By: LeoKula (9/22/2009 12:15:29 PM)


I just wanted to point out that they "haven't" errata'd him into "human".
Which makes him even more mysterious than he already is.
Although it is possible that they simply "forgot" to errata him.
PS : I discovered this because I wanted to make a reanimator deck with Angel of Glory's Rise, so that she brings back all other humans from my graveyard. And since Arcanis was one of my best cards that, I thought was human...
Posted By: Dabok (7/2/2012 5:18:48 AM)


The Omnipotent Combo: Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter + Library of Leng

The most powerful combo in all of Magic. Once it is out you can rearrange all the cards in your hand and library in any order you wish; untap any artifact, land, or creature you control an infinite number of times, and tap any artifact, land, or creature your opponents control an infinite number of times. Short of your opponent drawing Crash, its checkmate.

If you have an Island: you got infinite mana. If you got Prodigal Sorcerer, you can deal infinite damage among any number of targets you choose as many times as you choose. If you got a Patron Wizard, you can counter any number of spells unless the cast pays an infinite amount of mana as many times as you choose. Though with all their land constantly tapped, your opponent will have trouble even pa... (see all)
Posted By: ManInRed (5/28/2012 3:00:52 PM)


I am knowledge. I am Arcanis.
Posted By: Kamidii (9/10/2010 5:40:53 AM)


One of the best works of art in Magic.

He just looks like such a badass.
Posted By: Xycolian (10/10/2012 6:15:28 PM)


Use with Merrow Reejerey they feed each other, and with enough bannerets and or reejereys out, you are droppin cards from your deck for almost free, sometimes gaining mana in the process. Your opponent will likely be so disheartened that they will scoop.
Posted By: Pwnsaw (10/27/2009 7:41:24 PM)


Tap and draw 3 cards... huh.

Immunity from death (although a little costly)... double huh.

It is fair that he costs 3 blue, but... perhaps that fourth one would've been too "You are playing him in JUST mono-blue deck. Deal with it."

Although, Black Reanimation is all like, "B**ch, I'ma dig you up, playa!", and just forgets about CMCs.
Posted By: Ferlord (4/2/2012 1:01:20 PM)


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